A high level Arduino library for the KTM-S1201 LCD module. Based on the Tronixstuff's work and the Arduino print class. This library makes it really easy to interface with the LCD, and add it to you existing project. Make sure to check out the examples for getting the most out of this library!
Any Arduino compatible microcontroller with at least 5 IO pins! This library does not depend on hardware spesific code.
This library can be installed in two ways, ether by using the manual mode or by using the Arduino library editor.
Click on the "Clone or download" button in the upper right corner, and then "Download ZIP". Exctract the ZIP file, and move the extracted folder to the location "~/Documents/Arduino/libraries". Create the "libraries" folder if it doesn't exist. Open Arduino IDE, and a new library called "KTMS1201" will show up under the "examples" menu.
The library is also available through Arduino's library manager.
To open the library manager, in the IDE click on Sketch
-> Include Library
-> Manage Libraries
Then search for KTMS1201.
The LCD is probably some OEM modules for old telephones. the LCD is driven by the NEC uPD7225 LCD driver, and can be purchased here. The LCD has an operating voltage of 3.2v to 5.5v, and got six interface pins; SCK, SI, CD, RESET, BUSY and CS. It's optional, but recommended to use the BUSY pin. This might be a trade off if you need the extra pin. How can this pin be ommited and why isn't it recommended? Read more in the constructor part.
Here's a minimal setup that will get you up and running. Note that this setup includes the BUSY pin.
This library has two constructors, on with and one without the BUSY pin. Using the BUSY pin isn't mandatory, but it's recommended, since the LCD controller is handling the speed, rather than a fixed delay.
// Constructor with the BUSY pin
// Constructor without the BUSY pin
KTMS1201 lcd(N_SCK, SI, CD, RESET, CS);
These are the public methods for this library. Note that there exist multiple print() methods for different data types. You don't really need to care about this, just use the library like you would use Serial.print()
void begin();
void command(uint8_t); // Send raw command
void customChar(uint8_t); // Print custom character
void setCursor(uint8_t cursorPos = 0); // Set cursor at index
void clear(uint8_t start = 0, uint8_t stop = 11); // Clear a part of, or the entire screen
void blink(bool speed = slow); // Blink the LCD (slow/fast)
void noBlink(); // Stop the blinking
void display(); // Enable display
void noDisplay(); // Disable display
void print(String); // Print string
void print(char*); // Print char array
void print(char); // Print character
void print(uint32_t, uint8_t base = DEC); // Print unsigned 32-bit integer (Base: HEX, DEC, OCT, BIN)
void print(int32_t, uint8_t base = DEC); // Print signed 32-bit integer
void print(uint16_t, uint8_t base = DEC); // Print unsigned 16-bit integer
void print(int16_t, uint8_t base = DEC); // Print signed 16-bit integer
void print(double, uint8_t decimals = 2); // Print float number (default 2 decimals)
This library supports custom characters, as long as it's printed induvidually. The picture below shows what hexadecimal numbers that represents each segment. Want to display more than one segment? simply add the segment values together! Enabling segment A, B and C is as simple as adding their values: 0x01 + 0x02 + 0x04 = 0x07. This code will print a "/" at index 0:
lcd.clear(); // Clear the entire LCD
lcd.setCursor(0); // Set cursor at index 0
lcd.customChar(0x62); // 0x40 + 0x20 + 0x02 = 0x62 -> slash