MDX-CS / lily

Lily - the ultimate Slack bot
MIT License
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Lily - the ultimate Slack bot

Open source MDX project - meet Lily.

Build Status




First you need to get Node.js onto your machine. You can use a simple sudo apt-get install npm if you are a Linux user.


Feel free to clone the repository anywhere on your computer. Open up your console and cd in the repo directory. Run npm install and wait for the dependencies to be installed. Then run the gulp command so all the source files can compile.

Note that if you have yarn installed, our package uses this technology, so you can choose to run yarn instead of npm install. This approach is usually much faster.


Perform a simple cp .env.example .env and rewrite the SLACK_API_TOKEN variable with your own bot token.

Up and running

All that is left to do now is to run a single node . command and you are good to go. Log in to your slack team, invite @lily to your channel and type @lily greet!


None noteworthy, for now.


Get Lily on you machine

Follow all the steps Installation. Feel free to submit an issue if anything doesn't work.

Make your changes


When adding new functionality via Modules, create a new folder in the src/Modules direcotry and make your own ModuleProvider, which will extend the abstract one from the src/Modules directory. This forces you to implement two methods - commands() and register() - the first method determines which commands will your module react to, whereas the second one is called whenever your module should react. So far, there are two ways of registering commands your module should react to - by list of literal string or by a regex.

/** This module will react to messages in format "@lily some ..." or "@lily strings ..." */
commands() {
  return ['some', 'strings'];
/** This module will react to any messages containing the "regex" string AFTER the bot has been mentioned */
commands() {
  return {
    pattern: /.* regex.*/,

In the register() method, you will be given instances of MessageBox and MessageBuilder, which provide convenient APIs for communicating with the message received, as well as for bulding your response.

Note that a test written for each new module is required. PRs not containing a new test will not be merged.

Kernel adjustments

Feel free to add new functionality, as well as tinker with the present one.

Note that a test written for each new feature is required. PRs not containing a new test will not be merged.


This project follows the airbnb javascript code standard. Any code not reaching to this standard will be rejected. The same goes for the situation where the new code breaks any present test. However, an eslist, as well as mocha tasks are run each time the gulp command is executed - make sure to run them before making a pull request.

Make a pull request

All of your pull requests should be submitted on the develop branch. Your work should be rebased with a clear description of the changes made. Whenever a pull request is submitted, Travis will be run to check code standards, as well as overall functionality of the code. You might be asked to rewrite your code opun failure.