MEDAL-IITB / Fast_WSI_Color_Norm

Codes for Fast GPU-Enabled Color Normalization of Whole Slide Images in Digital Pathology
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Codes for Fast GPU-Enabled Color Normalization of Whole Slide Images in Digital Pathology

This repository hosts python codes for Fast GPU-Enabled Color Normalization of Whole slide Images(WSI) in computational pathology.

Please cite both papers if you use this code:


title = {Fast {GPU}-{Enabled} {Color} {Normalization} for {Digital} {Pathology}},

url = {},

urldate = {2019-01-11},

journal = {arXiv:1901.03088 [cs]},

author = {Ramakrishnan, Goutham and Anand, Deepak and Sethi, Amit},

month = jan,

year = {2019},

note = {arXiv: 1901.03088},

keywords = {Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}


Author = {Abhishek Vahadane and Tingying Peng and Shadi Albarqouni and Maximilian Baust and Katja Steiger and Anna Melissa Schlitter and Amit Sethi and Irene Esposito and Nassir Navab},

Booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging},

Date-Modified = {2015-01-31 17:49:35 +0000},

Title = {Structure-Preserved Color Normalization for Histological Images},

Year = {2015}}