MESH-Model / MESH-Dev

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compiling MESH with intel 2023 on Clusters #57

Closed mee067 closed 1 month ago

mee067 commented 2 months ago

It is advantageous to move to intel 2021 or further because they no longer need a license. However, I am not sure if that's appropriate. I have been using intel 2018 - jumping to 2021 worked for both single precision and double precision but intel 2023 gives the following error for double precision (make intel_mpi netcdf double):

icx: error: unknown argument: '-r8'

Seems the option for setting the precision has changed for the new compiler version. Hope somebody would know the new setting. I got overwhelmed trying to figure out the compile option when I searched.

mee067 commented 1 month ago

This was resolved via email communications with @dprincz as follows:

r8 still works but should be specified as an GFLAG rather than an LFLAG:

In this block in makefile, replace ‘LFLAG’ with ‘GFLAG’:

# Override compile options if 'DOUBLE' enabled.
ifdef DOUBLE
ifeq ($(DIST),intel)
GFLAG+=-fdefault-double-8 -fdefault-real-8

This caused an issue when compiling some SVS code:

mpifort -fpp -free -c -O2 -fp-model precise -r8 -I./LSS_Model/SVS/svs1/changes_to_rpnphy -I./LSS_Model/SVS/svs1/rpnphy_5.8.3_all -I./LSS_Model/SVS/svs1/svs_GEM_v5.8.rc2 -I./Modules/librmn/19.7.0/CUSTOM_INCLUDES -DRUNSVS -I/cvmfs/ -I/cvmfs/ -DNETCDF -Tf ./LSS_Model/SVS/svs1/src/runsvs_mesh.F90
./LSS_Model/SVS/svs1/src/runsvs_mesh.F90(1009): error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument.   [BUS]
        call compvirttemp(sigma_t, bus, bussiz)
./LSS_Model/SVS/svs1/src/runsvs_mesh.F90(1010): error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument.   [BUS]
        if (.not. observed_forcing) call surflayerheight(sigma_u, sigma_t, bus, bussiz)
compilation aborted for ./LSS_Model/SVS/svs1/src/runsvs_mesh.F90 (code 1)
make: *** [makefile:195: runsvs_mesh.o] Error 1

which was resolved by changing the makefile again:

In makefile, update the rule for ftn90 by adding ‘GFLAG’:

%.o: %.ftn90
       $(FC) $(FTN90PP) $(LFLAG) $(GFLAG) $(INC_DIRS) $(DFLAG) $(FTN90PPOPT)$<
mee067 commented 1 month ago

The above changes should still work when compiling with older intel compilers like 2018, and 2021. They do not need to be reversed.