MESH-Model / MESH-Dev

This repository contains the official MESH development code, which is the basis for the 'tags' listed under the MESH-Releases repository. The same tags are listed under this repository. Legacy branches and utilities have also been ported from the former SVN (Subversion) repository. Future developments must create 'forks' from this repository.
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This file contains information about options in the 'makefile' included with this distribution.

To compile SA_MESH, run 'make' with one of the following targets: Serial (sa_mesh): $ make gfortran $ make ifort $ mingw32-make mingw_static Parallel (mpi_sa_mesh; requires OpenMPI compiler): $ make mpi_gcc $ make mpi_intel

If no target is specified, 'gfortran' is assumed. $ make

The makefile will automatically remove .o and .mod files if the compile process is successful.

Recommended for Cygwin, Ubuntu (without Intel license) To create 'sa_mesh': $ make To create 'mpi_sa_mesh': $ make mpi_gcc

Recommended for Linux where the Intel license is available: To create 'sa_mesh': $ make ifort To create 'mpi_sa_mesh': $ make mpi_intel

Description of target to compiler:

To remove remaining .o and .mod files: $ make clean *For MinGW, DIST=mingw must also be provided. Examples:

To remove remaining .o and .mod files, and the compiled program: $ make veryclean For MinGW, DIST=mingw must also be provided. For 'mpi_gcc' and 'mpi_intel', MPI=ompi must also be provided. Examples:

The following options can be added to the compiler targets to enable or add features.

The above targets are wrappers to configure variables in the makefile. However, these variables can also be set directly without using any target. The direct variables can be set as follows: DIST: Compiler family/distribution.