MFEh2o / db

**Contains the main issue tracker for the MFE DB!** Functions for interacting with the MFE database, in script format. (See also MFEUtilities, which is an R package that includes many/most of the same functions).
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CREW update #164

Closed ctsolomon closed 2 years ago

ctsolomon commented 2 years ago

In CREW table, should correct name entry for year==2016, firstname=='Natalie'. Correct firstname should be 'Nathalie', and lastname should be 'Chehab'.

Randinotte commented 2 years ago

I just made a note to correct this when I update the crew table this year.

Randinotte commented 2 years ago

A few additions/edits:

crew<- dbTable("CREW")
crew$lastname<- gsub("Caffareli","Caffarelli",crew$lastname)
crew<- crew %>% 
  add_column(fullname = paste(crew$firstname, crew$lastname,sep=" ")) %>% 
  mutate(affiliation = case_when(fullname == "Claire Stevens" ~ "St. Norbert College",
                                 fullname %in% c("Henri Chung", 
                                                 "John Caffarelli", 
                                                 "Ana Lopez", 
                                                 "Katherine Franz", 
                                                 "Faith Taylor", 
                                                 "Gabriella Marines-Chio", 
                                                 "Noah Gonring", 
                                                 "Jack Boyle") ~ "University of Notre Dame",
                                 TRUE ~ affiliation)) %>% 
  filter(!(fullname=="Katherine Conese" & year=="2020" & semester == "Spring")) %>% 

Plus, the 2021 crew updates: CREW_updates2021.xlsx