MFEh2o / db

**Contains the main issue tracker for the MFE DB!** Functions for interacting with the MFE database, in script format. (See also MFEUtilities, which is an R package that includes many/most of the same functions).
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Functions for interacting with MFE database.

To use any of these scripts in your own analysis script, you'll need to:

  1. Download the manual and/or sensor database from the Box directory. The manual database is also available on FigShare and DataONE. The sensor database may end up there soon too.

  2. Install the library RSQLite: install.packages("RSQLite") (do this once, not at the top of every script). Then, at the top of each script, load the library: library(RSQLite).

  3. Set the variable dbdir to a string that contains the path to the database file on your computer.

  4. Set the variable db to the name of the database file on your computer (we don't recommend changing this from the name of the file you downloaded)

let R find the MFE database files by setting the path


dbdir <- file.path("C:/Users/ksaunde1/Documents/Regular Database/Current Database/")

db <- "MFEdb.db"

sensor_dbdir <- file.path"C:/Users/ksaunde1/Documents/Sensor Database/Current Database/")

sensor_db <- "MFEsensordb.db"

  1. Source the script name.

dbUtil.R contains 3 functions:

  1. dbTableList() which provides a list of tables in the manual database
  2. dbTable() which will return data from a table in the manual database
  3. dbTableStructure() which will return information about a table in the manual database

sensordbTable.R contains 2 functions:

  1. sensordbTableList() which returns a list of tables in the sensor database
  2. sensordbTable() which returns data from a table in the sensor database