MFEh2o / db

**Contains the main issue tracker for the MFE DB!** Functions for interacting with the MFE database, in script format. (See also MFEUtilities, which is an R package that includes many/most of the same functions).
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PROFILES - temp data out of range #21

Open joneslabND opened 5 years ago

joneslabND commented 5 years ago

There are 4 temperatures above 35 degrees and 18 temperatures above 30 degrees. The above 35 are quite unlikely. The above 30 are possible.

joneslabND commented 5 years ago

There are issues with most of the other columns in the PROFILES table too: -DOsat>150 -SpC quite high -pH > 14 and as low as 2.26 -check ORP too -PAR as low as -1795

katiesaunders commented 5 years ago

It's possible the DO and DO sat columns are switched for some lakes. Range checks for these columns might help identify where this has happened. Examples of this: -WL 2014-07-09 -EL 2016-06-07 -WL 2015-08-26 -EL 2015-08-26

katiesaunders commented 5 years ago

This should also be checked for mid to late season data in 2018. The YSI profiler was known to have some issues, generating bad data for some of the data columns.

ctsolomon commented 4 years ago

Another potential issue with PROFILES table: duplicated data? I am looking at data from WL, 2013-05-22. There is one profile with a dateTimeSample of 2013-05-22 11:30 and another with 2013-05-22 08:45. That could have happened, but it seems suspicious to me that the water temperature and DO readings were exactly the same at those two different times (at least for the top few depths - I haven't checked below that).

Randinotte commented 2 years ago

An undergrad, Katherine Franz, worked on evaluating the entire LIMNO_PROFILES table for research credit. We made slow progress, so we weren't able to implement the changes. She has code started for many categories of fixes, but someone tackling this project would be wise to check it to make sure that it comes together logically. In short, she generated lake/sensor plots (eg. WL_DOmgL_2019) to visually inspect for oddities in the data. She created a table of errors and coded them categorically, then wrote a fix script for the common problems she encountered. A README titled "Profiles_QC_Writeup.docx" is a helpful starting place that describes her process and what's next. See Box for all scripts, documents, and output plots generated for this project.

ctsolomon commented 8 months ago

Another issue with an out-of-range value in LIMNO_PROFILES: for sampleID 'WL_DeepHole_20130916_0920_point_6_Limno.Sample.20130416', temp is recorded as 67, looks from rest of profile like it's likely 6.7 (and at any rate, not 67).

joneslabND commented 3 months ago

Steve Jane followed up on some of the documentation from Randi Notte (Feb 3, 2022). He had these observations:

QAQC Observations.docx