MG-Cloudflow / Intune-Toolkit

The Intune-Toolkit offers a basic & user-friendly interface to connect to Microsoft Graph, manage policy assignments, and handle backup and restore operations
MIT License
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Intune Toolkit


The Intune Toolkit is a PowerShell-based solution designed to simplify the management of Microsoft Intune policies. It provides a user-friendly interface for connecting to Microsoft Graph, managing policy assignments, and handling backup and restore operations for these assignments. The toolkit focuses on functionalities such as backing up and restoring policy assignments, and adding or deleting assignments, with robust error handling and detailed logging.

Intune Toolkit Interface


Release Notes







  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Intune-Toolkit
  2. Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK:

    Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
  3. Ensure you have the required assemblies and permissions to run the toolkit.


  1. Launch the Main Script:

  2. Connect to Microsoft Graph:

    • Click the "Connect" button to sign in and authorize the toolkit with the necessary scopes.
  3. Manage Policies:

    • Select the type of policy you want to manage (e.g., Configuration Policies, Device Compliance Policies, etc.) using the corresponding buttons.
    • View and manage the assignments for the selected policies.
  4. Backup Policies:

    • Click the "Backup" button to save the current assignments of your policies to a JSON file. Note that the toolkit currently supports only bulk backups; individual policy backups will be available in future updates.
  5. Restore Policies:

    • Click the "Restore" button to load all assignments of the selected policy type from a backup file. Note that individual policy restores will be available in future updates.
  6. Add/Remove Assignments:

    • Use the "Add Assignment" and "Delete Assignment" buttons to manage assignments for the selected policies.
    • You can select one or multiple policies with assignments. When you click "Add Assignment," it will add to the existing assignments of those policies, looping through them until all policy assignments have been updated.
    • When adding assignments, a pop-up box will appear allowing you to select a security group, include or exclude it from the policy, and apply possible filters for applications. You will also have the option to select the installation intent of the application.
    • When you click the "Delete Assignment" button, it will delete the assignments you selected.

File Structure


The toolkit logs all major actions and errors to IntuneToolkit.log. Each log entry includes a timestamp, component, context, type, thread, and file information to help with troubleshooting and tracking activities.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
