MGQ-EX / Paradox

MGQ Paradox Translation EX
4 stars 3 forks source link


Current Version MGQ Paradox Translation EX 0.5r.rar 15.8 MB




Table Of Contents


# About MGQ Paradox Translation EX
# Grandork MGQ Paradox Guides & Walkthrough
# High Res World Map 1.21 With Warp Points
# MGQ-EX Developer's Blog
# Git Repository
# Bug Reporting & Tracking
# USING MGQ Paradox Translation EX
# Optional: Re-Encrypting Data Folder
  Provided By Tamakimouto
# Optional: MGQ Paradox Prototype
  Alternative Version
# For Those Coming From 1.02 or later to 1.21 (Upgrading)
# For Those Having Problems With A Save Not Loading After EX 0.5D
# Using MGQ EX Rename Functions (Useful With EX 0.5g And Above)
# Translators Update Patch In EX
# Translators Used In EX
# Scripts Used In EX
# Message Window text Codes

Note: Life Lessons, Ctrl + F Can Be Used To Search For Things


About MGQ Paradox Translation EX


Project Envisioned To Help In The Fan Translation Of MGQ Paradox.

Official Game: Monster Girl Quest Paradox [Part One] English DLSite link:

MGQ-EX Developer's Blog:

Does Not Overlap With: Dargoth's Patch English Site link: Reason: Core Files Are Altered Differently, However Manual Patching Is The Same With The Exception To Step 5 (Use His Manual Patch Instead) As Dargoth Inadvertently Helped Start MGQ EX Hommage Is Paid To The King


Grandork MGQ Paradox Guides & Walkthrough


Grandork MGQ Paradox Guides & Walkthrough English Site link:


High Res World Map 1.21 With Warp Points


Current Map Scaled To 1/2 Scale From RPG Maker VX Ace Editor And Using SnagIt, sys_map_current_warp.png 7.9 MB!PAcSnCyR!DJzuLY4Bqml8FMPmVetE85sqEaDwYQ4YB2-iUkdmGa8

Note: 1/1 Would Be Preferred, SnagIt Produces A Blank Image When Attempted... Low Res Version Was Used For The Areas Yet Completed.


MGQ-EX Developer's Blog



Git Repository



Bug Reporting & Tracking



USING MGQ Paradox Translation EX


Use the Manual Patch Method For MGQ Paradox 1.21

  1. Download an RPGMaker decrypter (Included)
  2. Decrypt all files in Game.rgss3a
  3. Move decrypted files into game directory, overwrite when asked
  4. Rename/delete/move Game.rgss3a so it doesn’t conflict with the decrypted files
  5. Move and overwrite using MGQ Paradox Translation EX patched files, all files from the EX patch are important so only cherry pick if you know what your doing otherwise overwrite using all of them files.

On step 2: Run RPGMaker decrypter, Open File Game.rgss3a, Tools, Extract All Files; This should make an

Extracted Folder containing two folders, Data and Graphics;

Note 0: EX was not designed for versions bellow 1.21, please upgrade to 1.21 before using

Note 1: If Game Folder is in Japanese or Gibberish (A Sad Attempt To Display Japanese) rename it to something

like “MGQ Paradox”

Note 2: Game.rgss3a must be either changed or removed as it is read before the content that you are


Note 3: MGQ Paradox Translation EX: DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext, DialoguesEnglish.rvtext, ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext are text files that contain the translation if you are interested in how much text is in the game, though a few things are still missing.

Note 4: Basic Review Of What Each Main Folder In The Patch Does, not including them can cause crashes ‘Audio’ Folder contains an audio file EX can use but mostly its there just for show… This mostly effects debug save for testing ‘Data’ Folder deals with how the game works, if you don’t overwrite these then the game won’t read the rvtext files and thus won’t offer any translation ‘Graphics’ Folder contains some presets for a cache system to try and compensate for speed ‘Patch’ contains the latest patch, not really needed if using the latest version of Paradox though included to minimize bugs

Note 5: Basic Review Of What Each File In The Main Folder In The Patch Does, this doesn't include sub-folders listed above 'Actor List.txt' is used in the Rename feature in the MGQ EX menu placed in the Pocket Castle main room 'EX Readme.txt' is the Readme for the current version you have, not necessary however good to track EX versions '*.rvtext' these files are used for translation, if you don't have them things will go wrong 'Game.ini' contains extra settings EX uses, Language Selection and Features like changing resolution and extra features for MGQ EX menu 'RPG Maker Decrypter.exe' is the tool for decrypting Game.rgss3a and is only useful for this step 'DatabaseTextEnglish_Update.rvupd_used' is a template on how motivated people can make updates to support EX, review "Translators Update Patch In EX" further down for more details.

Note 6: Does not overlap with Dargoth's Patch, core files are changed differently. Though the manual install process is the same with the exception of Step 5. Transfer of saves though is possible, anything that prevents that is a bug so please report it...

Should Look Something like \MGQ Paradox\ Audio Data Fonts Graphics Patch Save System DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext DialoguesEnglish.rvtext Game.exe Game.ini ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext Misc *.txt Files

MGQ Paradox EX Directory Structure

Modified Game.ini For These Additions:

WinMode=          Description
Fit               fits the game window to monitor size
Full              switches to full screen unless already full screened
Window            switches to window screen unless already windowed
Resize            resize the window to whatever size defined in
                  Width & Height (Might Cause Crash)

Width             Set As Positive Integer
Height            Set As Positive Integer

EnableBonus=      Changes Features Found In MGQ EX's Sparkly Scroll
                  Menu In Pocket Castle 1F South
False             Disables Bonus Features (Default)
True              Enables Bonus Features

EnableSaveDebug=  Changes How Paradox Loads Saves
False             Disables Displaying An Error Message When A
                  Save Fails To Load (Default)
True              Enables Displaying An Error Message When A
                  Save Fails To Load

UseElementIcons=  Changes How Paradox Handles Element Icons In Database
False             Disables Displaying Element Icons And Will Use
                  Names Instead (Default)
True              Enables Displaying Element Icons Though Will
                  Default To Name If Icon Is Not Found
*Note: Only Effects Elements Coded With Tag \ie[Element ID]

UseStatusEffectsIcons=  Changes How Paradox Handles Status Icons In
False                   Disables Displaying Status Icons
                        And Will Use Names Instead (Default)
True                    Enables Displaying Status Icons Though Will
                        Default To Name If Icon Is Not Found
            *Note: Only Effects States Coded With Tag \it[State ID]

UseJobChangePercents=   Changes How Paradox Displays Job Change Information
False                   Displays Information Using The Rank System (Default)
True                    Displays Information Using Dargoth's Chart
*Note 1: Percentages Are A Work Of Love, I Won't Correct Errors In Them Just
         In The System That Offers The Alternative View
*Note 2: This Does Not Effect Entries In The Database

Enable_DTP_HP=        Determines How Health Bars Are Displayed For Enemies
(Required For All Sub Settings)
False                 Not Displayed (Default)
True                  Displayed

DTP_HP_Use_HP_Bar=    Displays The Enemy Health Bar
False                 Not Displayed
True                  Displayed (Default)

DTP_HP_Use_MP_Bar=    Displays The Enemy Magic Bar
False                 Not Displayed
True                  Displayed (Default)

DTP_HP_Only_On_Target=      Displays Only When Enemy Targetted
False                       Displays All The Time
True                        Only When Targetted (Default)

DTP_HP_Position=            Position Of Enemy Health Bar
Above                       Displayed Above Enemy
Middle                      Displayed In Middle Of Enemy (Default)
Below                       Displayed Below Enemy

DTP_Text_Display=           Text To Display Above Health Bar
chp                         current hp
mhp                         max hp
php                         percentage hp
states                      current inflicted states

False           Uses Default Battle Music (Default)
True            Uses Custom Random Music

CustomBattleBGM_[X]=        X Custom Random Music Added To
                            'Audio\BGM' Not Including File Extension
CustomBattleBGM_[0]=battle  battle.ogg will be used
                            (If File Not Found It Is Ignored)

Modified Functionality:

Uses Function Key 'F8' To Toggle Text Message Visibility On/Off
Note: This Doesn't Prevent Going To The Next Message


Optional: Re-Encrypting Data Folder

Provided By Tamakimouto


* Prerequisite Have The Java Runtime Library
1 - Download "RPG Maker Encrypter.jar" to game directory
    (Found On The Git Repository)
2 - Run "RPG Maker Encrypter.jar"
3 - Choose Encryption: RPG Maker VX
4 - It will then generate "Game.rgss2a"
5 - There isn't a difference between an encrypted VX project and
    a VX Ace project so rename it to "Game.rgss3a"
6 - As things would be re-encrypted it should be safe to delete the
    "Data" folder

Note 1: This Might Increase Speed, Not Tested By MGQ-EX
Note 2: This Has To Be Repeated Anytime Backend Items Are Effected


Optional: MGQ Paradox Prototype

Alternative Version



Based Off Injection Process, Data Conversion, Re-write Scripts
As The Translation Tool Dargoth Uses Was Updated TO Provided Additional Data Extractions
This Test A Re-Compile Process Though Is Still A Work In Progress
Does Not Use RVText Files But Might Work Better For Linux Users And RPG Maker Editor
Install Process And Other Features Remain Mostly Identical


For Those Coming From 1.02 or later to 1.21 (Upgrading)


You Have 2 Options
A - Download The Newest Version From The Official Site
B - Manually Upgrade The Files That Changed
    1 - Follow "Use the Manual Patch Method For MGQ Paradox 1.21"
        Listed Above Till You Get To Step 5
        (Only Required If You Don't Have A Decrypted Copy Of The Game)
    2 - Use This Link To Get An Archive Of The Files
        That Changed From 1.02 Up To 1.21
        MGQ_Paradox_1.02_upgrade_clean_1.21.rar 113.7 MB!SQ1QlAbS!_B9-oPG95ItrektJFdt8jPZiOnW4vb2cpUUaRTGkZig
    3 - Extract Archive Into Main Game Directory Overwriting Files
        As Needed
    4 - Continue With "Use the Manual Patch Method For MGQ
        Paradox 1.21" Step 5

Note 1: If You Feel Uncomfortable Doing This, Use Option A
Note 2: If You Do Not Know What You Are Doing Don't Cherry Pick Files
        From The Archive, They Are All Important In Some Way
Note 3: There Is A Difference Between Manual And Automatic, That
        Difference Is If You Think It Is Plug & Play Then You Are Wrong
Note 4: This Is To Help Upgrade Those That Have Official Copies Of The
        Game To Save On Bandwidth


For Those Having Problems With A Save Not Loading After EX 0.5D

Save Fix Version EX_0.5d_Save-Fix.rar 12.7 MB


Updated To Cripple modern algebra – ATS: Special Message Codes
And Process To Remove That Data From Saves Affected
1 – Load Up A Save That Is Problematic
2 – Go To Map 228 – Pocket Castle 1F South, If You Are Already There Leave And Return
3 – Should Be Sparkly Scroll On The Left Side Of The Big Door, Go There
4 – Choose Option “Can’t Use EX 0.5e Do To Save”
5 – Uninstall Script Will Run Removing ‘Game_ATS’ From Your Game
6 – Save Your Game And Reinstall EX 0.5e
7 – Optional, My Humble Apology Before You Save Take Something For Your Trouble
Though Only For Your Active Party (It Was Faster To Code That Way…)
* Give Me Money!
* Grant Me Power!
* Make Me Lovable!


Using MGQ EX Rename Functions (Useful With EX 0.5g And Above)


1 - Load Up A Game And Do This:
2 - Go To Pocket Castle 1F South (If Already There Leave Then
    Return So RPG Maker Refreshes The Map)
3 - By The Large Door In The Center To The left Is A New Sparkly Scroll
4 - MGQ_EX Extra Menu, Select Rename Actors
    Rename Active Party
           Rename An Actor In Your Current Party
    Clean Up Actors
          Restore Default Actor Names
    Restore All Default Names
            All Actors Will Be Restored Using Defaults In EX Database
    Restore Active Party Name
            Actor In Your Current Party Will Be Restored Using
            Defaults In EX Database
    Custom 'Actor List.txt'
           All Actors Will Be Restored Using Names In 'Actor List.txt'
5 - Save your game

Note 1: 'Actor List.txt' Needs To Be In The Main Game Directory
        For "Custom 'Actor List.txt'" To Function.
Note 2: This Currently Only Effects Menus, Plan To Expand
        This At A Later Date

This Can Also Be Used To Correct Names That Are Not Being Displayed
Can Also Be Used To Fix 'display_use_item' Error As Correcting The
Actor Names Will Make That Work As Originally Intended.


Translators Update Patch In EX


If any of the following files are found on startup
rv1 = "DatabaseTextEnglish_Update.rvupd"
rv2 = "DialoguesEnglish_Update.rvupd"
rv3 = "ScriptTextEnglish_Update.rvupd"
Note: English is an example, current language set will be used

Game will sync matching entries with new values and update
coresponding rvtext file.
However will not append new entries (ones not already in rvtext file)
This feature is new and well new;  Backup rvtext file before using
rvupd is a plain txt file formatted similar to:

File: DatabaseTextEnglish_Update.rvupd

Thanks to: Fanservicefan For Translations


States (partial translation) For DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext

<<states/31/name>> Hi Berserk

<<states/31/message1>> has gone berserk!

<<states/31/message2>> has gone berserk!

<<states/31/message3>> is rampaging...

<<states/31/message4>> has calmed down!


Once an rvupd is used a prefix "_used" is added to the end
DatabaseTextEnglish_Update.rvupd_used Added as an example
Rename to DatabaseTextEnglish_Update.rvupd and start game
To see how it works

Note 1:  Code used "<<" to filter entries, don't use them in description
Note 2:  Compare Backup Data to New File using WinMerge or equivalent


Translators Used In EX


DerTraveler - Language File System Version: 1.3 Note: Unofficial Edit For Bug Fixes/Integration Extension: Text Viewer Version 1.0

Modern Algebra - Global Text Codes [VXA] Version: 1.0a,44810.0.html

KilloZapit - Word Wrapping Version: The Seventh Note: Unofficial Edit For Bug Fixes

KilloZapit - Cache Back Version: 5

V.M of D.T. - Basic Window Resizer Version: 1.1

V.M of D.T. - RBasic Enemy HP Bars Version: 2.8.2

efeberk - Random Battle & Vehicle BGM Version: 1.1

efeberk - Message Visibility Version: Not Specified

Yanfly Engine Ace - Debug Extension Version: 1.01

Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Message System Version: 1.05


Message Window Text Codes

(Uses Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Message System)


#  NameWindow: Effect:
    \n<x>     - Creates a name box with x string. Left side.
    \nc<x>    - Creates a name box with x string. Centered.
    \nr<x>    - Creates a name box with x string. Right side.
    \n[x]     - Writes actor x's name.
    \en[x]    - Writes out enemy's name.
    \v[x]     - Writes variable x's value.
    \g        - Writes gold currency name.
    \nc[x]    - Writes out class x's name.
    \ni[x]    - Writes out item x's name.
    \nw[x]    - Writes out weapon x's name.
    \na[x]    - Writes out armour x's name.
    \ns[x]    - Writes out skill x's name.
    \nt[x]    - Writes out state x's name.
    \ne[x]    - Writes out element x's name.
    \i[x]     - Draws icon x at position of the text.
    \ii[x]    - Writes out item x's name including icon.
    \iw[x]    - Writes out weapon x's name including icon.
    \ia[x]    - Writes out armour x's name including icon.
    \is[x]    - Writes out skill x's name including icon.
    \it[x]    - Writes out state x's name or icon.
    \ie[x]    - Writes out element x's name or icon.




Mod For MGQ Paradox, You Are Free To Use This Mod, Make Changes To It,
Release It Using Your Own Custom RVTEXT Files, However The Original Game,
Scripts Used, And Any Supporting Material Belong To Their Original Creators,
Please Support The Official Release




08-09-2015 MGQ Paradox EX Archive History (All Changes Before EX 0.5)

07-20-2015 Updated For Paradox 1.20.00 EX 0.5 Please Upgrade to 1.20.00 before using All rvtext files updated Backend Items Affected Updated XS - Popup Item (Added Code For Scene_Battle Using Scene_Map) Implemented Sorting For ScriptText Probably Missed A Few Lines In ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext Will update further later

07-20-2015 Cleaning Up ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext EX 0.5a Backend Items Affected Updated XS - Popup Item (Changed Code To Use Scene_Base Instead, Fixed A Crash After Battle) Probably Missed A Few Lines In ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext Will update further later

07-23-2015 Cleaning Up ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext EX 0.5b SkillWords(Enemy) Updated For Chaos Labyrinth Will update further later Fixed Small Bug In DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext And DialoguesEnglish.rvtext Hidden Character Affected Some Display Items And Was Removed Caused By Web Site Translator (And Similar Bugs Might Re-Appear And Will Handle As Needed...)

07-23-2015 Cleaning Up ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext EX 0.5c Fixed ENEMY_SPECIAL_NAME Keys (Mass Search/Replace Fault) Added UCO Entry 208 For "EASY" Will update further later Fixed Bug In Untranslated Items And Difficulty Menu Backend Items Affected

07-24-2015 Updated Language File System To Handle Special Sale Notes EX 0.5d Update to ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext & ScriptTextJapanese.rvtext Entries Added: TRAN/NWConstLibrary/SPECIAL_SALE Overrides For RPG::BaseItem::selld_draw Backend Items Affected (Incorporated Special Sale Text Translation) Fixed Small Bug In DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext And DialoguesEnglish.rvtext Unicode Character Affected Some Display Items And Was Changed Caused By Web Site Translator (And Similar Bugs Might Re-Appear And Will Handle As Needed...)

07-31-2015 Updated To Cripple modern algebra – ATS: Special Message Codes EX 0.5d_Save-Fix And Process To Remove That Data From Saves Affected 1 - Load Up A Save That Is Problematic 2 - Go To Map 228 - Pocket Castle 1F South, If You Are Already There Leave And Return 3 - Should Be Sparkly Scroll On The Left Side Of The Big Door, Go There 4 - Choose Option "Can't Use EX 0.5e Do To Save" 5 - Uninstall Script Will Run Removing 'Game_ATS' From Your Game 6 - Save Your Game And Reinstall EX 0.5e 7 - Optional, My Humble Apology Before You Save Take Something For Your Trouble Though Only For Your Active Party

07-28-2015 Updated Language File System To Handle script call display_skill_name EX 0.5e Update to ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext & ScriptTextJapanese.rvtext Entries Added: TRAN/NWConstLibrary/DSNT Backend Items Affected

08-01-2015 Updated For Paradox 1.21.00 EX 0.5f Please Upgrade to at least 1.20.00 before using Cleanup Of: Common Events In Range 900-1000 All rvtext files updated Backend Items Affected: Fixed Rename Scope, Added My Humble Apology Options From EX 0.5d_Save-Fix Reviewed 1.21 Scripts Missed A Ton Of Lines In ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext Will update further later

08-03-2015 Updated 'Actor List.txt' To Have Dargoth's Patch 1.21a Actor Names EX 0.5g Backend Items Affected: Fixed Cooking Menu Portion Not Translated, Cleaned Up Scripts Modified Language File System To Also Praise Game.ini For These Additions: EnableBonus= Changes Features Found In MGQ EX's Sparkly Scroll Menu In Pocket Castle 1F South False Disables Bonus Features (Default) True Enables Bonus Features Missed A Ton Of Lines In ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext Will update further later

08-09-2015 Incorporated Dargoth's Patch 1.21a Into Dialogues And Database EX 0.5h Backend Items Affected: Modified Language File System: Corrected Logic Error When Setting Up Actors (DerTraveler Had It Set To Be Language Dependent, Changed To Be The Language When Acquiring The Actor Is How It Is Saved In And The Rename Feature Can Be Used To Correct Later), Corrected Logic Error When Displaying Empty Text (Used To Keep Picture Displayed Until Key Is Pressed), Also Praise Game.ini For These Additions: EnableSaveDebug= Changes How Paradox Loads Saves False Disables Displaying An Error Message When A Save Fails To Load (Default) True Enables Displaying An Error Message When A Save Fails To Load, Though It Won't Correct The Error Special Thank To Casian Sarpe Socaci Missed A Ton Of Lines In ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext Will Update Further Later

08-13-2015 Incorporated Casian Sarpe Socaci's Changes To ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext EX 0.5i Backend Items Affected:

08-14-2015 Fixed Error In DialoguesEnglish.rvtext Reported By element, Nero Name Tag Incorrectly Set EX 0.5j Updated A Few Entries In ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext For TRAN/NWConstLibrary/SKILL_SPECIAL_NAME Missed A Ton Of Lines In ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext Will update further later

08-15-2015 Suggested By LostDGod Added Script: Basic Enemy HP Bars v2.1 EX 0.5k Suggested Option To Change Battle Music By Casian Sarpe Socaci Modified Script: efeberk - Random Battle & Vehicle BGM (Only Battle Music Currently Implemented) Also Praise Game.ini For These Additions: Enable_DTP_HP= Determines How Health Bars Are Displayed For Enemies (Requires For All Sub Settings) False Not Displayed (Default) True Displayed

    DTP_HP_Use_HP_Bar=      Displays The Enemy Health Bar
            False       Not Displayed
            True        Displayed (Default)

    DTP_HP_Use_MP_Bar=      Displays The Enemy Magic Bar
            False       Not Displayed
            True        Displayed (Default)

    DTP_HP_Only_On_Target=      Displays Only When Enemy Targetted
            False       Displays All The Time
            True        Only When Targetted (Default)

    DTP_HP_Position=        Position Of Enemy Health Bar
            Above       Displayed Above Enemy
            Middle      Displayed In Middle Of Enemy (Default)
            Below       Displayed Below Enemy

    DTP_Text_Display=       Text To Display Above Health Bar
            chp     current hp
            mhp     max hp
            php     percentage hp
            states      current inflicted states

            False       Uses Default Battle Music (Default)
            True        Uses Custom Random Music

    CustomBattleBGM_[X]=        X Custom Random Music Added To 'Audio\BGM' Not Including File Extension
    CustomBattleBGM_[0]=battle  battle.ogg will be used (If File Not Found It Is Ignored)

    Added 2 Files To Test Custom Battle Music:
    * battle_ex1.ogg        Music From Monster Girl Quest Paradox RPG Trailer

    Integrated ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext Changes From Casian Sarpe Socaci
    Cleaned Up 11 DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext Entries No Longer Used Thanks To Sazuju
    Backend Items Affected:  Fixed Ability Menu

09-01-2015 Error Reported By LostDGod In Script: Basic Enemy HP Bars v2.1 EX 0.5l Updated To Handle Going Into 'Config" Menu While In Battle, DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext Typo In Skill - 2493; Skill - 2654 Not Changed As Translation Is "Power: Variable" Handle Error "Unable To Find Map" For Maps Not Yet Implemented, Handle Error "Unable To Play Music" For Music Not Found Backend Items Affected: Fixed Logic Error In UCO, Updated ScriptText Implemented DatabaseTextEnglish Updates From Casian Sarpe Socaci Reviewed Desert Eagle Changes To Character Traits, Updated ScriptTextEnglish Entries That Didn't Matched Updated EX Readme To Include High Res World Map (I Still Want Better, Such Is Greed...) Added/Changed Graphics Files 'sys_iti.png' And 'sys_loc.png' Rounding Off The Edges Added/Changed Bonus Features:

10-06-2015 Errors Reported By Sazaju: EX 0.5m * Small Remnant Of Google Translate Error In DialoguesEnglish.rvtext

10-30-2015 Update to DialoguesEnglish.rvtext: EX 0.5n Full Cleanup Of Maps

12-01-2015 Backend Items Affected: EX 0.5o * Changed Bonus Features On Map 228, Added "Change Current Display Settings" This Test Script Calls To Basic Window Resizer Choose From 'Resize', 'Fit', 'Window', 'Full', or 'Toggle' Note 1: This Doesn't Save Settings Note 2: 'Resize' And 'Fit' Are Sub Functions Of 'Window' So Won't Take Effect Till In Window Mode Note 3: Toggle Changes From Window To Full Depenedent On Current Settings Note 4: Game.ini 'EnableBonus=' Must Be Set To 'True' For This Option

12-24-2015 Happy Holidays EX 0.5p * A Small Present That Hopefully Some Will Enjoy Update to DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext:

02-05-2016 Update to DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext: EX 0.5q * Changed Some Names And Descriptions Update to ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext

02-29-2016 Update to DatabaseTextEnglish.rvtext: EX 0.5r * Corrected Enemy Names, Nagael & Ranael Update to ScriptTextEnglish.rvtext