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Package Dependencies #36

Open kmruehl opened 4 years ago

kmruehl commented 4 years ago

@ssolson Is this still the full list of python package dependencies? I thought we added some new ones, like datetime. If it's not the full list, can you provide a full list and I'll update the docs.

@rpauly18 similar question, and I believe this is still a TBD issue for MHKiT-MATLAB, but do we have any MATLAB toolbox dependencies we should list?

ssolson commented 4 years ago

Package dependencies are listed in under dependencies. DEPENDENCIES = ['pandas>=1.0.0', 'numpy', 'scipy', 'matplotlib', 'requests', 'pecos>=0.1.8', 'fatpack', 'lxml', 'scikit-learn']

You can exclude lxml from the Docs list though because that is technically a pandas requirement.