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MHKiT Documentation
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How to Update the MHKiT Documentation Website

The MHKiT documentation is developed as restructured text files that are compiled by Sphinx into html files and then uploaded to the MHKiT Documentation Repository. Using Sphinx, GitHub renders the documentation on the MHKiT Documentation Repository as the MHKiT Documentation Website. This guide will help the user to download the documentation, modify the documentation, build the documentation locally, and push changes back up to the repository.


To update the MHKiT documentation you will need Python 3.6+, Git, Sphinx, and a GitHub account. This documentation assumes the user has a working version of Python installed (We recommend Anaconda Python, during installation check the add Python to Path) and a GitHub account but will cover the needed Python Sphinx package installation.

Step 1. Fork the Repository & Clone to local machine

Step 2. Download/Install Sphinx package and extensions

You are now ready to begin modifying and building the MHKiT documentation.

Step 3. Modify the Documentation

Step 4. Build the MHKiT Documentation

Step 5. Update to the MHKiT Documentation

Step 6. Submit a Pull Request

Best Practices

Formatting Guidelines

Terminology Guidelines