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MHKiT-MATLAB Install Instructions #47

Closed Alex-McVey closed 6 months ago

Alex-McVey commented 2 years ago

Need to note in the instructions for installing MHKiT in Matlab that if using an Anaconda environment, Matlab will not utilize any python interpreter outside of the base environment despite all indications that come from Matlab. This seems to be an issue on the Matlab side and it should be able to use different environments but for now I think it would help users to know that this issue exists.

akeeste commented 6 months ago

@simmsa Is this still an issue in recent MATLAB versions?

simmsa commented 6 months ago

@akeeste, this is difficult to definitively determine, due to lack of knowledge of how MATLAB implements Python support internally. Based on the latest MHKiT-MATLAB tests, which use Anaconda Python, this seems like this is no longer an issue and we can close this.