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Live documentation code blocks do not have syntax highlighting #65

Open simmsa opened 6 months ago

simmsa commented 6 months ago

The current live version of the documentation does not have syntax highlighted code blocks.

Live documentation:

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 9 22 26 AM

On my local machine I built the documentation with:


Which was installed with pip install -U sphinxcontrib-bibtex sphinxcontrib-matlabdomain sphinx_rtd_theme nbsphinx per the README. Notably, these versions differ from the listed versions. Some package amongst these includes code block syntax highlighting.

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 9 22 53 AM

Long term this can be solved by a more consistent Build/CI step. In the short term does it make sense to use the latest versions of the above packages? The docs build properly (at least for me), and the addition of syntax highlighting contributes to an improved user experience.