MHeironimus / ArduinoJoystickLibrary

An Arduino library that adds one or more joysticks to the list of HID devices an Arduino Leonardo or Arduino Micro can support.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
2.07k stars 403 forks source link

Can't add the library #145

Closed qwertyalfa closed 4 years ago

qwertyalfa commented 4 years ago

When I try to add the library from ZIP / folder, I cant do so. I get information that there is no correct library in that directory. Can anyone help me?

PS OS: Win 10 Arduino IDE version: 1.8.12 (windows store) Downgrading did not work

CryptoAngel commented 4 years ago

To which folder you're trying to copy the file? Have extract it? The folder is read only? What error message you see?

qwertyalfa commented 4 years ago

I managet to fix it, but thanks for a reply :) Something was odd with some of my drivers, after updating it works like a charm.

CryptoAngel commented 4 years ago

By the way, do you know if this is the most updated version of ArduinoJoystick? I building my own joystick and I need X,Y,Z and those buttons and the hat buttons but I am not sure this is the perfect solution. Also there he did not include the wire connections... Regards