MHeironimus / ArduinoJoystickLibrary

An Arduino library that adds one or more joysticks to the list of HID devices an Arduino Leonardo or Arduino Micro can support.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
2.06k stars 403 forks source link

Does not compile for Teensy4.1 #240

Closed bwanaaa closed 2 years ago

bwanaaa commented 2 years ago

Description of Issue

Including the Heironimus ArduinoJoystick library in an otherwise empty sketch causes a compilation error

Technical Details

Sketch File that Reproduces Issue

#include <Joystick.h>
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Error that arduino IDE reports:

In file included from C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduinoJoystickLibrary-master\src/Joystick.h:24:0,
                 from C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\Arduino\teensy\joystick\joystick.ino:1:
C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduinoJoystickLibrary-master\src/DynamicHID/DynamicHID.h:37:28: fatal error: PluggableUSB.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Error compiling for board Teensy 4.1.
MHeironimus commented 2 years ago

Teensy is not supported. See for more details.

bwanaaa commented 2 years ago

thank you. it seems i am still learning to read.