PSI calculation script
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Alternative splicing generates thousands of isoforms to multiply the diversity of the proteome and non-coding RNA transcripts. Current high-throughput sequencing technologies are capable of capturing this post-transcriptional processes with great sensitvity but only yield rather short read lengths. It thus becomes very challenging to predict the entire exon composition of RNA molecules. To qualitatively and quantitatively assess alternative splicing on a genome-wide level without prior knowledge, we developed this pipeline that quantifies the the usage of unknown or known splice sites as well as the expression level of exons to calculate a splicing index called Percent Spliced In (PSI) from RNA-seq and Ribo-seq data. Ranging from 0% for non-included exons to 100% for constitutive exons, it indicates how efficiently an exon sequence is spliced into the pool of transcripts transcribed from a genetic locus. This technology is capable of identifying and quantifying novel and complex exon skipping, alternative 5 and 3 splice sites and mutually exclusive splicing events.

For detail information please refer to our publication: Please cite our paper, if you work with our script.

Quick Start

Dependency and preparation

  1. Runing environment

    • Linux based system(linux, mac, unix)
  2. For python psi script

  3. For shell psi script

  4. For Visulization

    • R
    • R package dependency: reshape2, ggplot2, rtracklayer, gridExtra, grid, plyr
  5. About the input file.

    • junction.bed file and bam file can be generated directly from tophat/tophat2
    • flattened_gff_file.gtf can be generated from dexseq_prepare_annotation.py script included in DEXseq

General Usage

For Shell PSI script:

./psi_shell/PSI.sh StartPSIStrictFilter flattened_gff_file.gtf readlen alignment_file.bam junctions.bed baseName


ENSRNOG00000033734:001  38  46548   0   1
ENSRNOG00000033734:002  11  47993   0   1
ENSRNOG00000033734:003  12  7772    32484   0.175863
ENSRNOG00000033734:004  30  54112   2843    0.935926
ENSRNOG00000033734:005  87  113977  0   1

Field description

For python PSI script:

  1. Counting inclusion count

    ./psi_python/dexseq_count.py -p no -s no -r pos -f bam flattened_gff_file.gtf  alignment_file.bam basename.inclusion
  2. Counting exclusion count

    ./psi_python/exclusion_count.py  flattened_gff_file.gtf junctions.bed basename.exclusion
  3. Calculate the psi

    ./psi_python/psi_calculation.py -l 100  flattened_gff_file.gtf basename.inclusion basename.exclusion basename

    NOTICE: step 1 and step 2 can be run parallel.


ENSRNOG00000033734:001  1.0 1   44487   0   13  48872971    48873009    +   38
ENSRNOG00000033734:002  1.0 1   45933   0   13  48873964    48873975    +   11
ENSRNOG00000033734:003  0.170570528295  1   7490    32484   13  48874085    48874097    +   12
ENSRNOG00000033734:004  0.933449251441  1   51960   2843    13  48876463    48876493    +   30

Field description

If the set --detail yes, then only showing first three fields like following.

ENSRNOG00000033734:001  1.0 1
ENSRNOG00000033734:002  1.0 1
ENSRNOG00000033734:003  0.170570528295  1
ENSRNOG00000033734:004  0.933449251441  1


We also provide R and ggplot2 based visulization script for psi result visulization, located on psi_visulization directory.

Configuration and running.

For simple visulization, user only need to run psi.plot.r. Before running, some options need to be changed to fit local environment.

  1. Source psi_plot_vis.r script

    source('./psi_plot_vis.r') ## Here should be the correct path to the psi_plot_vis.r script
  2. Provide sample experiment table like DESeq style

    sampleTablePath = './sampleTable.csv' ## Here should be the path to sampleTable, user can refer to the testing data to create own one. 
  3. Provide psi result folder

    psiFolder = './psi_files/'
  4. Provide the path to exonic part matrix which can be created by dexseq_prepare_annotation.py script from DEXSeq packages.

    exonicPartMatrixPath ="./homo_sapiens.GRCh38.78_exonic.gtf"
  5. gene id

    gene_id = "ENSG00000099810+ENSG00000264545+ENSG00000274055+ENSG00000264801+ENSG00000240498"
  6. Optional if aggregate the PSI by experiment group.

    as.group = TRUE
  7. For ploting a single genes, refering following code.

    psiTable <- importPSI(sampleTablePath, psiFolder)
    exonicPartMatrix <- import(exonicPartMatrixPath)
    geneAnnot <- getGenesAnot(gene_id, exonicPartMatrix)
    genePsi <- getGenesPsi(gene_id = gene_id,
                        psiTable = psiTable, 
                        sampleTablePath = sampleTablePath,
                        as.group = TRUE)
    ## ploting the psi 
    plot(psiPlot(geneAnnot, gene_id, genePsi))
  8. For batch ploting a gene list, refering following code.

    ## Gene list
    gene_list =readLines("./gene_list.txt")
    psiTable <- importPSI(sampleTablePath, psiFolder)
    for(sample in  gene_list ){
     geneAnnot <- getGenesAnot(sample, exonicPartMatrix)
     genePsi <- getGenesPsi(gene_id = sample,
                            psiTable = psiTable, 
                            sampleTablePath = sampleTablePath,
                            as.group = TRUE)
     path.out <- file.path("./plots/")
     pdf(file=paste("./plots/",sample,'.pdf',sep = ''),width=40,height=30 ) 
     plot(psiPlot(geneAnnot, sample, genePsi))