MIDA-group / CoMIR

Framework for joint representation learning, evaluation through multimodal registration and comparison with image translation based approaches
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CoMIR: Contrastive Multimodal Image Representation for Registration Framework

🖼 Registration of images in different modalities with Deep Learning 🤖

Nicolas Pielawski, Elisabeth Wetzer, Johan Öfverstedt, Jiahao Lu, Carolina Wählby, Joakim Lindblad and Nataša Sladoje

Code of the NeurIPS 2020 paper: CoMIR: Contrastive Multimodal Image Representation for Registration

Table of Contents


Image registration is the process by which multiple images are aligned in the same coordinate system. This is useful to extract more information than by using each individual images. We perform rigid multimodal image registration, where we succesfully align images from different microscopes, even though the information in each image is completely different.

Here are three registrations of images coming from two different microscopes (Bright-Field and Second-Harmonic Generation) as an example:

Registration of three different images

🎬 HD version on YouTube

This repository gives you access to the code necessary to:

How does it work?

We combined a state-of-the-art artificial neural network (tiramisu) to transform the input images into a latent space representation, which we baptized CoMIR. The CoMIRs are crafted such that they can be aligned with the help of classical registration methods.

The figure below depicts our pipeline:

Key findings of the paper


We used two datasets:

Animated figures

The video below demonstrates how we achieve rotation equivariance by displaying CoMIRs originating from two neural networks. One was trained with the C4 (rotation) equivariance constrained disabled, the other one had it enabled. When enabled, the correlation between a rotated CoMIR and the non-rotated one is close to 100% for any angle.

Rotation equivariance animation

🎬 HD version on YouTube

Reproduction of the results

All the results related to the Zurich satellite images dataset can be reproduced with the train-zurich.ipynb notebook. For reproducing the results linked to the biomedical dataset follow the instructions below:

Important: for each script make sure you update the paths to load the correct datasets and export the results in your favorite directory.

Part 1. Training and testing the models

Run the notebook named train-biodata.ipynb. This repository contains a Release which contains all our trained models. If you want to skip training, you can fetch the models named model_biodata_mse.pt or model_biodata_cosine.pt and generate the CoMIRs for the test set (last cell in the notebook).

Part 2. Registration of the CoMIRs

Registration based on SIFT:

  1. Compute the SIFT registration between CoMIRs (using Fiji v1.52p):
    fiji --ij2 --run scripts/compute_sift.py 'pathA="/path/*_A.tif”,pathB="/path/*_B.tif”,result=“SIFTResults.csv"'
  2. load the .csv file obtained by SIFT registration to Matlab
  3. run evaluateSIFT.m

Other results

Computing the registration with Mutual Information (using Matlab 2019b, use >2012a):

  1. run RegMI.m
  2. run Evaluation_RegMI.m


The script folder contains scripts useful for running the experiments, but also notebooks for generating some of the figures appearing in the paper.


NeurIPS 2020

 author = {Pielawski, Nicolas and Wetzer, Elisabeth and \"{O}fverstedt, Johan and Lu, Jiahao and W\"{a}hlby, Carolina and Lindblad, Joakim and Sladoje, Nata{\v{s}}a},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {H. Larochelle and M. Ranzato and R. Hadsell and M. F. Balcan and H. Lin},
 pages = {18433--18444},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {{CoMIR}: Contrastive Multimodal Image Representation for Registration},
 url = {https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2020/file/d6428eecbe0f7dff83fc607c5044b2b9-Paper.pdf},
 volume = {33},
 year = {2020}


We would like to thank Prof. Kevin Eliceiri (Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation (LOCI) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison) and his team for their support and for kindly providing the dataset of brightfield and second harmonic generation imaging of breast tissue microarray cores.