MIDOSS / MuellerEtAl_MIDOSS_paper

This repository hosts code used in the publication of our MIDOSS work.
Apache License 2.0
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A statistical representation of oil spill fate in the Salish Sea
Code repository

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This repository contains the code developed during the MEOPAR-funded MIDOSS project and neccessary for reproducing the results and figures presented in:

Mueller, R. D., S. E. Allen, S. Chang, H. Nui, D. Latornell, S. Li, R. Bagshaw, A. Bhudia, V. Do, K. Forysinski, B. Moore-Maley, C. Powers. A statistical representation of oil spill fate in the Salish Sea. In prep.

The results evaluated in this study were generated with the following suite of software tools.

2018 oil transfer data for Washington State can be accessed through a Washington State Department of Ecology public records request.


This analysis and documentation are copyright 2018 by the MIDOSS Project Contributors and The University of British Columbia.

They are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Please see the LICENSE file for details of the license.