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This repository contains the code for Clio: Real-time Task-Driven Open-Set 3D Scene Graphs.


Clio is a novel approach for building task-driven 3D scene graphs in real-time with open-set semantics. We draw inspiration from the classical Information Bottleneck principle to form task-relevant clusters of object primitives given a set of natural language tasks — such as ''Read brown textbook'' — and by clustering the scene into task-relevant semantic regions such as “Kitchenette” or “Workspace”. The map defines objects and regions at the correct semantic granularity to support tasks relevant for an agent.

Table of Contents


If you find this useful for your research, please consider citing our paper:

    title={Clio: Real-time Task-Driven Open-Set 3D Scene Graphs},
    author={Maggio, Dominic and Chang, Yun and Hughes, Nathan and Trang, Matthew and Griffith, Dan and Dougherty, Carlyn and Cristofalo, Eric and Schmid, Lukas and Carlone, Luca},
    journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},


We recommend that everyone setup Clio by utilizing ROS. To install ROS, you can follow the instructions here if you haven't already.

We also provide a python-only implementation of Clio for offline processing of pre-built scene graphs and evaluation. If you want to avoid installing ROS and are only interested in this functionality, you can skip ahead to these instructions instead.

Installing with ROS

Initial Requirements Install the following requirements: ``` sudo apt install python3-rosdep python3-catkin-tools python3-vcstool python3-virtualenv ``` If you haven't set up rosdep yet run: ``` sudo rosdep init rosdep update ```
Getting and Building Clio To clone and build Clio, first set up your catkin workspace: ```bash mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws catkin init catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release catkin config --skiplist khronos_eval ``` > **Note**
> By default, one of Clio's dependencies, [semantic_inference](, will attempt to build against NVIDIA TensorRT. > This is not required for Clio, and may cause issues when building if you already have CUDA set up on your system. > You may wish to disable this by running `catkin config -a -DSEMANTIC_INFERENCE_USE_TRT=OFF` before building. Then, clone the code and build: ``` cd src git clone clio --recursive vcs import . < clio/install/clio.rosinstall rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -r -y cd .. catkin build ``` > **Note**
> For the rest of these instructions, we assume that you set up your catkin workspace at `~/catkin_ws`. > If you used a different workspace path, you should substitute where appropriate.
Setting up Open-Set Segmentation Make a virtual environment and install: ```bash python3 -m virtualenv --system-site-packages -p /usr/bin/python3 ~/environments/clio_ros source ~/environments/clio_ros/bin/activate pip install ~/catkin_ws/src/semantic_inference/semantic_inference[openset] deactivate ``` > **Warning** :warning:
> `--system-site-packages` is required when creating the environment.
Setting up Clio Python Code Make a virtual environment and install: ```bash python3 -m virtualenv --download -p /usr/bin/python3 ~/environments/clio source ~/environments/clio/bin/activate pip install -e ~/catkin_ws/src/clio ``` > **Warning** :warning:
> A devel install (i.e., using `-e` when installing Clio) is required.

Installing without ROS

Warning :warning:
This option does not include the open-set segmentation code or the real-time pipeline

First, setup a virtual environment:

python3 -m virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 --download ~/environments/clio

Then, clone and install Clio:

source ~/environments/clio/bin/activate
git clone clio --recursive
pip install -e clio

If you forgot to clone with --recursive you can run git submodule update --init --recursive instead.


Our custom datasets for the Office, Apartment, Cubicle, and Building scenes are available for download here. Each scene contains RGB images, depth images, a rosbag containing the RGB and depth images along with poses, and the list of tasks with ground truth object labels that was used in our paper. Each scene except Building contains a COLMAP dense reconstruction which can optionally be used to separately get a dense mesh view of the scene.

The task list is stored in a yaml file whose keys are the task and values are the ground truth oriented bounding boxes for the relevant objects. The folder structure is:

├── apartment
│   ├── apartment.bag
│   ├── database.db
│   ├── dense
|       ├── fused.ply
|       |── meshed-poisson.ply
│   ├── depth
│   ├── images
│   ├── region_tasks_apartment.yaml
│   ├── rooms_apartment.yaml
│   ├── sparse
│   └── tasks_apartment.yaml
├── building
│   ├── ...
├── cubicle
│   ├── ...
├── office
│   ├── ...

Pre-built Scene Graphs

Pre-built scene graph files can be downloaded from here, which contain the 3D object primitives with corresponding meshes and semantic embedding vectors that Clio can use to form task-relevant objects. These scene graph files can be used to test out Clio's Information Bottleneck clustering on a variety of tasks. See here for details.

Pre-generating Open-set Semantics for a Scene

Warning :warning:
This requires the semantic_inference package and ROS, which is installed by default if you follow the normal setup guide for Clio.

It may be convenient to generate the open-set segmentation and CLIP embeddings for a scene before running Clio. You can run the following commands for any of the scenes, substituting the appropriate path to the rosbag for the scene. First, source your semantic_inference environment and change to the directory containing the datasets if you haven't already:

source ~/environments/semantic_inference_ros/bin/activate
cd /path/to/clio/datasets

Using the apartment scene as an example, run:

rosrun semantic_inference_ros make_rosbag --clip-vec --copy \
    apartment/apartment.bag -o apartment/apartment_with_semantics.bag \

to create a new bag, apartment_with_semantics.bag that contains the original contents of apartment.bag along with the open-set segmentation (under the /dominic/forward/semantic/image_raw topic).

Running Clio

To run Clio on one of the provided datasets, first source your catkin workspace and python environment:

source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
source ~/environments/clio_ros/bin/activate

In the following instructions, make sure to substitute the actual path to the datasets in place of /path/to/datset. We'll use the Office scene for this example, but any of the datasets should work. First, start Clio:

roslaunch clio_ros realsense.launch \
     object_tasks_file:=/path/to/datasets/office/tasks_office.yaml \

If you want to use pre-generated segmentations and semantics instead, you can start Clio with the following:

roslaunch clio_ros realsense.launch run_segmentation:=false \
     object_tasks_file:=/path/to/datasets/office/tasks_office.yaml \

Regardless of the run_segmentation setting, you should wait until Clio finishes initializing before starting the rosbag. You should see roughly this before proceeding:

[INFO] [1728321782.786728, 0.000000]: '/semantic_inference': finished initializing!
I1007 17:23:03.652261 3390159 ros_embedding_group.cpp:70] Got embeddings from '/task_server/objects'!
I1007 17:23:03.654877 3390159 ros_embedding_group.cpp:47] Waiting for embeddings on '/task_server/places'
I1007 17:23:03.857106 3390159 ros_embedding_group.cpp:70] Got embeddings from '/task_server/places'!
I1007 17:23:04.047123 3390159 input_module.cpp:76] [Hydra Input] started!
I1007 17:23:04.047190 3390159 active_window_module.cpp:72] [Active Window] started!
I1007 17:23:04.047272 3390159 backend_module.cpp:134] [Hydra Backend] started!
I1007 17:23:04.048808 3390159 graph_builder.cpp:175] [Hydra Frontend] started!
[ INFO] [1728321784.049510656]: Running...

In a separate terminal, start the corresponding rosbag for the scene. For the Office dataset:

rosbag play path/to/datasets/office/office.bag --clock

You should see something like this after letting the bag play for a little bit:


Clustering Pre-built Scene Graphs

You can also try out Clio in an offline setting to perform task-oriented clustering on a pre-built scene graph of object primitives. To try out Clio in this manner, run the following:

cd clio
python clio_batch/ <path-to-scene-graph-json> <path-to-task-yaml> <path-to-output-folder> <path-to-cluster-config>

For example, to run Clio just on the pre-built office scene graph (assuming you have made an empty folder first called clio_output), use the following command:

python clio_batch/ ~/clio_logs/office/trial_0/large_fine_ps/dsg.json ~/clio_datasets/office/tasks_office.yaml ~/clio_output clio_eval/experiments/configs/cluster/large_delta_00001.yaml

To quickly visualize results, you can visualize the estimated Clio bounding boxes (in green) and ground truth bounding boxes (in black) over a COLMAP mesh. To do this on the office scene, run:

python clio_eval/ ~/clio_output/clio_dsg.json ~/clio_datasets/office/tasks_office.yaml  ~/clio_datasets/office/dense/meshed-poisson.ply office

This will generate a 3D viewer such as this:


Change to either apartment or cubicle with the following to generate the visualization on those datasets:

python clio_eval/ clio_dsg.json ~/clio_datasets/apartment/tasks_apartment.yaml ~/clio_datasets/apartment/dense/meshed-poisson.ply apartment

python clio_eval/ clio_dsg.json ~/clio_datasets/cubicle/tasks_cubicle.yaml ~/clio_datasets/cubicle/dense/meshed-poisson.ply cubicle


We have included some of the evaluation code used to generate the results in our paper. In our paper, we refer to results obtained using the offline version of Clio (see here) as Clio-batch, while the real-time ROS pipline (see here) is referred to as Clio-online. We adopt this terminology here to make it easier to refer to the paper results.

Evaluating Clio-Online

To obtain metrics on the quality of objects obtained by Clio-Online, set the paths in realtime_clustering.yaml to the corresponding local task yaml files and folders containing the scene graphs produced by Clio-online. Then run:

python clio_eval/experiments/ --config clio_eval/experiments/configs/ablations/realtime_clustering.yaml

Ablating Clio-batch

This section is concerned with obtaining a partial ablation study of Clio-batch.

A config file for using CLIP model ViT-L/14 used in the main results of the paper is provided in 3d_clustering.yaml. Also note that a config file for Open-CLIP model ViT-H-14 used to produce results in the appendix of the paper is provided in 3d_clustering_oc.yaml. The yaml files allow for running on one or on multiple datasets at a time.

First, set paths to your pre-built scene graph files and yaml files containing the ground truth objects and task labels in 3d_clustering.yaml and 3d_clustering_oc.yaml. Then, to run Clio-batch and evaluate the results, run:

python clio_eval/experiments/ clio_eval/experiments/configs/ablations/<3d_clustering.yaml/3d_clustering_oc.yaml>

The provided results will include for each dataset:

By default, the config files are set to run on all three of the office, apartment, and cubicle datasets. Results from clustering will be saved in a newly created scene graph files for each dataset.