MIT-TESSE / goseek-challenge

Instructions for competing in the GOSEEK challenge at ICRA 2020
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Agent gets outside environment and collision=False always (v=0.1.4) #16

Open pushkalkatara opened 4 years ago

pushkalkatara commented 4 years ago

Screenshot from 2020-05-05 01-32-41

Am I loading the configurations incorrectly?

ZacRavichandran commented 4 years ago

Could you share the configurations you used?

pushkalkatara commented 4 years ago

Hi Zac, here's the config i used:

pushkalkatara commented 4 years ago

When i removed step_rate=20, collision is working but faced this problem -

ZacRavichandran commented 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing!

When the step rate is enabled, are collisions always off? Or does the agent only go objects at certain times or places?

pushkalkatara commented 4 years ago

Yes, with step_rate the collisions are always returned off. Initially when agent is not hitting walls and in the environment, it take right steps. If it goes in the corner, then it gets out of the environment.

ZacRavichandran commented 4 years ago

Let's double check that colliders are enabled in the simulation. Could you share the output of the following command:

>>> from tesse.env import Env
>>> from tesse.msgs import *

>>> print(Env().request(MetadataRequest()).metadata)

We expect the output to be like the following, with collider status='true' (collision status indicates that the agent is currently in collision with an object, so that does not have to be true)

  <position x='5.361372' y='0.4999866' z='-0.3182806'/>
  <quaternion x='0' y='0.9816272' z='0' w='-0.1908088'/>
  <velocity x_dot='8.147203E-08' y_dot='4.670983E-06' z_dot='-3.785611E-08'/>
  <angular_velocity x_ang_dot='0' y_ang_dot='9.039034E-07' z_ang_dot='0'/>
  <acceleration x_ddot='-4.079843E-08' y_ddot='6.688271E-06' z_ddot='1.88659E-08'/>
  <angular_acceleration x_ang_ddot='0' y_ang_ddot='-1.82603E-06' z_ang_ddot='0'/>
  <collision status='false' name=''/>
  <collider status='true'/>
pushkalkatara commented 4 years ago

I got the following output:

  <position x='-6.0352' y='0.5000085' z='11.28761'/>
  <quaternion x='0' y='0.9366722' z='0' w='0.3502073'/>
  <velocity x_dot='0' y_dot='-4.953397E-06' z_dot='0'/>
  <angular_velocity x_ang_dot='0' y_ang_dot='0' z_ang_dot='0'/>
  <acceleration x_ddot='0' y_ddot='0' z_ddot='0'/>
  <angular_acceleration x_ang_ddot='0' y_ang_ddot='0' z_ang_ddot='0'/>
  <collision status='false' name=''/>
  <collider status='true'/>
ZacRavichandran commented 4 years ago

Ok, it looks like collisions are enabled in the simulator.

Would it be possible to share a screenshot of where you see the agent moving through objects? This could help us diagnose the issue on our end.

pushkalkatara commented 4 years ago

Screenshot from 2020-05-10 05-10-30

I think in corners it goes out of the environemt, collision is returning False with step_rate even if its near corners/walls.

ZacRavichandran commented 4 years ago

Ah, that's helpful. Thanks for sharing!

And do you remember in what scene(s) this happened?

pushkalkatara commented 4 years ago

Scene id = 1

ZacRavichandran commented 4 years ago

Got it, thanks for letting us know! We'll take a look to see what's going on.