MIT-TESSE / goseek-challenge

Instructions for competing in the GOSEEK challenge at ICRA 2020
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Welcome to the GOSEEK challenge page, which is run in conjunction with the Perception, Action, Learning Workshop at ICRA 2020.

For this competition, participants create a reinforcement learning (RL) agent that combines perception and high-level decision-making to search for objects placed within complex indoor environments from a Unity-based simulator. Simply put: like PACMAN, but in a realistic scene and with realistic perception capabilities. Several data modalities are provided from both the simulator ground truth and a perception pipeline (e.g., images, depth, agent location) to enable the participants to focus on the RL/search aspects. The contest will be hosted on the EvalAI platform, where participants will submit solutions, via docker containers run on AWS instances, for scoring.


  1. Task Overview
  2. Logistics
  3. Getting Started
  4. Participation

Task Overview

The objective of this challenge is to navigate an agent through an office environment to collect randomly-spawned fruit as quickly as possible. Our teaser trailer (below) highlights several of the components of the challenge, such as the office environment, the target fruit, the perception pipeline, and our idealized robot's physical characteristics.

GOSEEK Teaser Trailer

More specifically, the agent can select from one of four actions at each decision epoch: move forward 0.5 meters, turn left 8 degrees, turn right 8 degrees, and collect fruit within 2.0 meters of the agent's current position. Our robot is equipped with stereo cameras and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), from which a state-of-the-art perception pipeline estimates three pieces of information that make up the agent's observation at each decision epoch: localization information (position and heading relative to start position), pixel-wise semantic labels for objects in the robot's field of view, and pixel-wise depth in the robot's field of view.

Data Sources

We provide two data sources for training:

  1. Ground Truth: The agent observes ground truth (i.e., error free) information that is provided directly from the simulator.
  2. Perception Pipeline: The agent observes output of Kimera, which is an open-source C++ library for real-time metric-semantic visual-inertial Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM). Note that the types (and dimensions) of observations provided are the same as before; however, the error characteristics are now representative of a real perception system.

Participants can use either or both of these sources for training their agents. Agent interfaces are identical between the two sources. We'll accept online submissions against either source (see below for details) and maintain a leaderboard for both. However, only evaluations against the Perception Pipeline will be used to declare an overall competition winner.


Agents are evaluated on the following criteria for each episode:

  1. r: recall of finding target fruit when the agents selects the collect action,
  2. p: precision of finding target fruit when the agent selects the collect action,
  3. c: number of collisions with objects in the scene, and
  4. a: actions taken in the episode before all target fruit are collected or time expires.

A single episode score is:

r + 0.1p - 0.1c/l - 0.1a/l

where l is the maximum episode length (400). Note that an episode terminates early if all fruit are collected.

We use Monte Carlo evaluations to estimate an average episode score for the competition. Note that evaluations occur on withheld office scenes.



The current timeline for the competition is as follows:


Over the course of the competition, any important announcements or updates will be listed in this section. We recommend that you follow this repository to be alerted to these announcements.

  1. We've posted version 0.1.3 of the challenge simulator. This provides better support for the Perception Pipeline and addresses a minor bug. ~Please download this new simulator, if you were using 0.1.0 before. The link can be found in the instructions.~ [See 4. below]
  2. We've also updated tesse-gym since our initial release to support the Perception Pipeline. You should update your clone of tesse-gym from the instructions. Please also rebuild the goseek-base docker image, as well as any of your submission images.
  3. We continue to track the status of ICRA 2020. We do not anticipate that any future statements from the planning committee will change the timeline of this challenge.
  4. [April 24] Unfortunately, 0.1.3 of the challenge simulator was missing a shader for the strawberry in the RGB feed -- if you looked carefully it would appear gray. We believe that most people are not directly using RGB data, so hopefully this has not negatively impacted your experience. We've posted 0.1.4 of the simulator to correct this and updated all instructions.
  5. [April 24] We've updated the goseek-kimera Dockerfile to incorporate some recent updates to Kimera. The changes improve stability. Please rebuild if you are using this. We've also updated tesse-gym to synchronize with the aforementioned changes. Please reclone to use the latest version.
  6. [May 19] We've changed the date for final submissions from May 20th to May 25th.

Getting Started

Complete installation instructions can be found here, which lays out prerequisites, provides a link to download the competition simulator, and describes steps to install all required competition software. Users can also find an example for training an RL agent here, as well.


Participants will upload docker containers with their agents to EvalAI in order to be evaluated for the competition. The number of submissions is limited for each user, so we highly recommend performing local evaluations prior to submitting online solutions. This sections describes how to evaluate your agent locally, then submit online for a score.

Before proceeding, we recommend that you have read through and completed these instructions.

Prepare submission

  1. Modify Dockerfile as appropriate for your agent. See these instructions for modification details. The example we've provided runs an agent that randomly selects actions at each step.

  2. Build the docker image. Here we are naming the image submission.

    docker build -t submission .

Test locally

Use for local testing.

Assume you've named your docker image submission as above, then evaluate your agent with Ground Truth data as follows.

python -s simulator/goseek-v0.1.4.x86_64 -i submission -g

Similarly, evaluate your agent with Perception Pipeline data as follows.

python -s simulator/goseek-v0.1.4.x86_64 -i submission -p

Submit online

  1. Install EvalAI-CLI: pip install evalai.

  2. Create on account on EvalAI's website and sign up for the GOSEEK-Challenge.

  3. Follow the instructions on the submission tab to push your docker image. Note that we've provided four phases -- some to support development. Only the leader of the Competition Phase with Perception Pipeline will be declared the competition winner.


If you participate in GOSEEK and write a paper or a report about your entry, please cite:


First, we would like to thank Rishabh Jain and the rest of the team at EvalAI for providing their infrastructure and personal time to support this challenge. We must also acknowledge the team behind The Habitat challenge for being pathfinders of RL challenges with online submissions. Their challenge and associated infrastructure was inspiration for many of our own decisions.


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