MIZOGUCHIKoki / MusicScoreManagementApp

高知工科大学 2023年度 ソフトウェア工学
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ruby-on-rails software-engineering

Ruby on Rails CI TextLint

Software Engineering 2023 Group4! (documents)

We are dir-en-gray in Kochi University of Technology.


🧑‍💻Before pushing

Please run following command and check result before pushing to GitHub. RuboCop is Ruby linter.

$ bundle exec rubocop

Rails test does unit and integration tests.

$ bundle exec rails test


You can install with only follwing command when you have ruby which version is 3.2.2 and your environment is Linux.

$ bash env.sh

You should type down your password🔑 when you are asked. When the flow finish, please run the following commands.

$ bundle exec rails migrate

💡Install via bundler

There is bot called @dependabot, which check update of bundler. When dependabot updates some packages and @MIZOGUCHIKoki merges to develop branch, you should execute following command in this repository.

$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle


We can make the PDF of some documents to run following commands.

$ lualatex main.tex
$ lualatex main.tex

⚠️ DON'T commit and push anything expect *.tex, *.sty, *.cls

System proposal document

This document is in docs/systemProposal.

External design document

This document is in docs/externalDesign.

Internal design document

This document is in docs/internalDesing.