Beaglebone black I/O library , using Memory mapped I/O
Simple C I/O library of Beaglebone balck
============================ Hi , everyone
I'm very very sorry. I'm not able to preserve of BBBiolib for private issues.
I'will freezing update for 1 years.
With my deepest regret. Meng-Lun, Cai
V1 October 2013 - shabaz (iolib) : create basic library
V2 October 2013 - shabaz (iolib) : fix some BUG
V2.1 November.7 2013 - add some comment and modify function name
V2.2 November.10 2013 - add GPIO Enable/Disable function (GPIO 1~3)
V2.3 November.19 2013 - add GPIO Enable/Disable function (GPIO 0)
V2.4 November.23 2013 - add whole GPIO control function (I/O and direction set)
V2.5 December.7 2013 - change directory architecture ,add Demo/ and Toolkit/ directory .
V2.6 December.9 2013 - add simple ePWM module control function in am335x
V2.7 December.20 2013 - add simple McSPI control function .
V2.8 March.14 2014 - add ADC application of Arduino Microphone module ,
and ADC argument calculation toolkit .
Freezing March 11 2014 .
this library support simple I/O for beaglebone black ,using C .
Demo Directory include some demo basic this library ,each circuit layout ,picture and document in file directory .
Hotw to use :
Build libBBBio.a :
# make
Build Demos : (ex : ADT7301 demo)
# make ADT7301
Toolkit List :
1. GPIO CLK Status toolkit
2. Expansion Header toolkit
3. ADC Argument Calculation toolkit
Demo List :
1. LED Demo
2. LED_GPIO Demo
3. ADT7301 Demo (Digital Temperature sensor)
4. Seven-Segment Array Display demo
5. Debouncing Demo
6. 4x4 keypad Demo
7. PWM Demo
8. Servo Motor Demo
9. ADC Demo
10. ADC with Arduino Microphone Demo
11. L3G4200D Demo (3-axis Gyroscope)
BBBIO include some device tree overlays example for linux kernel 3.8.13 .
compile each overlays:
#cd overlay
Install overlays
#cd overlay
#make install
apply overlay :
#cp {OVERLAY} /lib/firmware/
#echo {OVERLAY's part-number} >> /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots
overlays list :
1. EHRPWM 0~3 overlay
#echo BBBIO-EHRPWM >> /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots
2. SPI 1 overlays
#echo BBBIO-SPI1 >> /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots
Reference from :
External Reference
Bulldog :
Bulldog is a GPIO API for the Beaglebone Black written in Java.
github :