Official implementation for "EGSDE: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation via Energy-Guided Stochastic Differential Equations" (NIPS 2022)
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Energy-Guided Stochastic Differential Equations (EGSDE)

This is the official implementation for EGSDE: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation via Energy-Guided Stochastic Differential Equations (Accepted in NIPS 2022). Recently, we extend this to the task of inverse molecular design: Equivariant Enengy-guided SDE for Inverse Molecule Design (Accepted in ICLR 2023).


The key idea of EGSDE is to exploit an energy function with domain knowledge to guide the inference process of a pretrained SDE for controllable generation. Existing guidance-based method such as classifier guidance can be regarded as a special design of energy function. In theory, we provide an explanation of the EGSDE as a product of experts. Experimentally, this paper focuses on unpaired image-to-image translation(I2I) and addresses the problem that existing SDE-based methods ignore the training data in the source domain. Starting from the noisy source image, EGSDE employs an energy function pretrained on both the source and target domains to guide the inference process of a pretrained SDE for I2I. The energy function is decomposed into two terms, where one encourages the transferred image to discard domain-specific features for realism and the other aims to preserve the domain-independent ones for faithfulness. In principle, by defining different energy functions, EGSDE can be applied to other controllable generation tasks such as inverse molecular design. image

Example Results

Representative translation results on three unpaired I2I tasks:


The ablation studies of energy function:


The ablation studies of initial time M:



conda create -n EGSDE python=3.7
conda activate EGSDE
conda install -c pytorch pytorch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 torchaudio==0.9.0 cudatoolkit=10.2
pip install pyyaml
pip install scipy


Please download the AFHQ and CelebA-HQ dataset following the dataset instructions in and put them in data/. We also provide some demo images in data/ for quick start.

Pretrained Models

All used pretrained models can be downloaded from here. Please put them in pretrained_model/. The and celebahq_female_ddpm.pth are the pretrained diffusion models on dog on AFHQ and female on CelebA-HQ respectively, where is provided by ILVR and celebahq_female_ddpm.pth is trained by ourselves based on ddim., and are pretrained classifier for domain-specific extractor on cat2dog, wild2dog and male2female task respectively. is the pretrained three-class classifier on AFHQ used for multi-domain translation. is the pretrained classifier on ImageNet provided in guided-diffusion used for initial weight of classifier.

Run EGSDE for Two-Domain Image Translation

$ python

task is which task to run and is chosen from cat2dog/wild2dog/male2female. Take cat2dog as example, the resutls will be saved in runs/cat2dog. The default args is provided in profiles/cat2dog/

$ python


$ python

task decides which task to evaluation and is chosen from cat2dog/wild2dog/male2female.translate_path is the path of generated images. source_path is the path of source images. gt_path is the path of target domain images. We also provide the FID statistics of female images in CelebA-HQ here.

Training Domain-specific Extractors

$ python

task is which task to run and is chosen from cat2dog/wild2dog/male2female/multi_afhq, where multi_afhq is to train a multi-class classifier for multi-domain translation. data_path is the data path, num class is the number of domains and iterations is the training iterations. Other default args is in create_argparser(), where pretrained_model is the path of used pretrained classifier provided in guided-diffusion and we have also uploaded it previous pretrained model link. If you want to train domain-specific extractor from scratch, just set pretrained False and you may need to increase the training iterations.

Re-training Score-based Diffusion Model

The code for re-training score-based diffusion model is available at guided-diffusion or ddim.


If you find this repository helpful, please cite as:

  title={Egsde: Unpaired image-to-image translation via energy-guided stochastic differential equations},
  author={Zhao, Min and Bao, Fan and Li, Chongxuan and Zhu, Jun},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.06635},

This implementation is based on SDEdit and guided-diffusion.