MLH-Fellowship / ClipBit

Generate concise meaningful summaries of YouTube videos.
MIT License
5 stars 5 forks source link
cli click nlp-machine-learning python3 youtube-downloader

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ClipBit is a CLI tool developed to generate an abstractive text summary of youtube videos. All you need to provide is a link to a Youtube video of your choice and the program will give a text summary.
Dundies This project was one of the submissions in the MLH Fellowship Orientation Hackathon and are proud to be the recipients of "What's this in my local time" Management Award, awarded to us by the wonderful team behind EnvProtecc.


pip install clipbit

Basic Usage

To know more about the program and the flags available, run the help command by running clipbit --help. clipbit_help

To summarize a youtube video, grab the link and feed to the CLI program as demonstrated in the gif below ClipBit in action


Often times, we might find videos that we don't have the time to watch from end-to-end or we would wish to only get a summary of the important points in it, and leave out the rest. Our purpose with ClipBit was to create a small, simple CLI program that could generate a concise summary of things in a video using the power of Natural Language Processing. The hope was to have an easy and accessible way to get those summaries and automate yet another mundane part of our lives.

What it does

It generates summaries of YouTube videos by extracting the captions (English or auto-generated), compiling them into a chunk and getting a small yet meaningful summary from that chunk of text.

How we built it

Challenges we ran into

Accomplishments we're proud of

What we learned

Future add-ons

  1. Generate summaries for videos with no captions.
  2. Generate summaries for longer videos exceeding 1 hour.
  3. Workaround NLP model limit of 512 Tokens.
  4. GUI or web-app


Meet the ClipBit team

  1. Miguel Guardia
  2. Sarthak Khattar
  3. Kimaru Thagana


ClipBit is free and open source under the MIT License.