MLH-Fellowship / prep-project-22.P3.2

MLH Prep Project for 22.P3.2
MIT License
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MLH Prep Project 💼

Weather App for all your daily weather needs.


Over the next 2 weeks, you'll be building a React App that works with various APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that talk to different data sources to do cool stuff.

We're using the OpenWeather API to get weather data on different cities. Your challenge over the next 2 weeks is to build out this website and add even more functionality to it. At the moment, it displays basic information about a location when you type it in. Check out Issues for some more ideas!

You'll need to get your own API Key from their website (for free) and add it as an environment variable in a .env file. We have a template available as example.env.

You'll be using React initially to build this. If you're new to React, check out the website for some information on getting started!

How to Run 🔧

$ git clone

Setting up Firebase

Installing the dependencies and running the project.

You can also run the project using yarn instead. To start the project on your machine use following commands:

nvm use
yarn install
yarn start

Then open http://localhost:3000 if it doesn't open automatically.

Contributors 👥

We are the MLH Prep Fellowship Pod 22.P3.2. You can check out our portfolio here.

Marc Jaramillo

Arteev Raina

Prakhar Rathi

Dasith U Edirisinghe

Asjad Ahmed Khan

Pratyaksh Singh

Soham Bhoir

Meghana Varanasi

Mohd. Yahya

Mitali Laroia

Rishabh Vasudevan

Samarthya Jha

Judyta Filipkowska

Rishi N Desai