MLVisions / songClip
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Running the app

You can run the app by running the following lines. You can specify an initial audio library, as well as decide whether you want to run the app in a browser or not (defaulting to the Rstudio Viewer).

clip_song(audio_dir = "~/Desktop/audio_library/", browser = TRUE)

Current Features

The list of features is constantly changing, and this readMe file may not always be up-to-date. The app has the following implemented features:

Upcoming Features

The following features have yet to be implemented, but may have scaffold UIs present in the app:

App Preview

Main loading screen, illustrating looping and playback


The equalizer is not yet implemented, but the basic UI is set up

Developer Notes

Developer Notes #### Installation Assuming you have `git` installed, run the following in your terminal: ``` bash git clone ``` - **Note for `git` noobs**: You will have to configure `git` to clone successfully. Make sure to use the email you were invited with. ``` bash git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME" git config --global "" ``` Run one the following to download all the packages: 1. If you have pkgr installed, run the following in your terminal: ``` bash pkgr install ``` 2. If not, use the following command in your `R` console. This will install all packages from the `renv.lock` file: ``` r # install.packages("renv") # if you don't have the `renv` package renv::restore() ``` After installing all dependencies, running `devtools::load_all()` will prompt you to install any required `python` modules. - *Note*: `Python` is not currently needed for this package (despite the messages you will see on load), though this will likely change in the future.