MLopezJ / LWM2M-JSONSchema

LWM2M protocol From XML to JSON Schema
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LwM2M TypeBox types

TypeBox definitions for the objects defined in the LwM2M Object Registry.

This is useful if you need to validate a JSON representation of those objects.


1- Clone repo

git clone

2- Install dependencies

npm ci

3- Run test

npm test


// This is a JSON representation of LwM2M, for example stored in AWS IoT Shadow
// The JSON notation for LwM2M follows previous work by AVSystem as used in Coiote, but with values follow the LwM2M standard (e.g. numbers are expressed as strings in Coiote, but are Integers in LwM2M standard)
import stateJSON from "./data.json";
// We can validate that the data is correctly defined as LwM2M
const maybeValidLwM2M = validateLwM2MJSON(stateJSON.state.reported);

if ("error" in maybeValidLwM2M) throw new Error(`Validation failed`);

// then we can access LwM2M objects in the shadow
maybeValidLwM2M?.["LwM2M Server"]; // typed as LwM2MServer | undefined
console.log(validateShadow?.["LwM2M Server"][0].Lifetime); // 43200, typeof number