MMorafah / FLIS

FLIS: Clustered Federated Learning via Inference Similarity for Non-IID Data Distribution
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FLIS: Clustered Federated Learning via Inference Similarity for Non-IID Data Distribution

The official code of paper "FLIS: Clustered Federated Learning via Inference Similarity for Non-IID Data Distribution".
"Accepted to FL NeurIPS workshop 2022".

In this repository, we release the official implementation for FLIS algorithms (FLIS-DC, FLIS-HC). The algorithms are evaluated on 4 datasets (Cifar-100/10, Fashion-MNIST, SVHN) with non-iid label distribution skew (noniid-#label2, noniid-#label3, noniid-labeldir).


We provide scripts to run the algorithms, which are put under scripts/. Here is an example to run the script:

cd scripts

Please follow the paper to modify the scripts for more experiments. You may change the parameters listed in the following table.

The descriptions of parameters are as follows: Parameter Description
ntrials The number of total runs.
rounds The number of communication rounds per run.
num_users The number of clients.
frac The sampling rate of clients for each round.
local_ep The number of local training epochs.
local_bs Local batch size.
lr The learning rate for local models.
momentum The momentum for the optimizer.
model Network architecture. Options: TODO
dataset The dataset for training and testing. Options are discussed above.
partition How datasets are partitioned. Options: homo, noniid-labeldir, noniid-#label1 (or 2, 3, ..., which means the fixed number of labels each party owns).
datadir The path of datasets.
logdir The path to store logs.
log_filename The folder name for multiple runs. E.g., with ntrials=3 and log_filename=$trial, the logs of 3 runs will be located in 3 folders named 1, 2, and 3.
alg Federated learning algorithm. Options are discussed above.
beta The concentration parameter of the Dirichlet distribution for heterogeneous partition.
local_view If true puts local test set for each client
gpu The IDs of GPU to use. E.g., TODO
print_freq The frequency to print training logs. E.g., with print_freq=10, training logs are displayed every 10 communication rounds.


Please cite our work if you find it relavent to your research and used our implementations.

  title={FLIS: Clustered Federated Learning via Inference Similarity for Non-IID Data Distribution},
  author={Morafah, Mahdi and Vahidian, Saeed and Wang, Weijia and Lin, Bill},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.09754},


Some parts of our code and implementation has been adapted from NIID-Bench repository.


If you had any questions, please feel free to contact me at