MNANDO / pet-care-app-old

Pet care app is a comprehensive and intuitive pet management app designed to simplify the lives of pet owners and enhance the well-being of their pets.
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Pet Care App

Milestone 1 - Pet Care App (Unit 7)

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes



Pet care app is a comprehensive and intuitive pet management app designed to simplify the lives of pet owners and enhance the well-being of their pets.

App Evaluation

App Idea 1: Pet Care App (first priority)

App Idea 2: Trivia

App Idea 3: PC Building App

The main motive behind choosing App Idea 1 (pet care app) is because we saw us personally using this app. As we went on through our unique ideas for this app, we also realized that this would help a lot of families and groups as there is nothing in the market competing with our app directly. The uniqueness and the usefulness of this app is what made us ultimately choose it over the other two ideas.

Product Spec

1. User Features (Required and Optional)

Required Features

  1. Multi-screen app with at least 2 different screens'
  2. Pulls data from an API
  3. List of items on screen relevant to app
  4. Items have sub-values when applicable (e.g., Name, Price, Location)
  5. Items have at least 3 responsive functionalities (e.g., Adding items, resetting or deleting items, marking items with a status or value)
  6. Android Navigation UI like Bottom Navigation, Drawer Layout, Top Bar, etc.
  7. User inputs from previous entries persist
  8. Scrollable lists

Optional Features

  1. Assign Pet Tasks to Group Members
  2. Push Notifications
  3. Data Persistence with Firebase
  4. Authentication with Firebase
  5. Onboarding
  6. User Customizability
  7. Reminders
  8. Todo List
  9. Groups

2. Screen Archetypes

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)


[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

image image image image image image image image image image image image

High Fidelity Wireframe

image image image image image image

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype

Milestone 2 - Build Sprint 1 (Unit 8)

GitHub Project board

[Add screenshot of your Project Board with three milestones visible in this section]

Issue cards

Issues worked on this sprint

Milestone 3 - Build Sprint 2 (Unit 9)

GitHub Project board

[Add screenshot of your Project Board with the updated status of issues for Milestone 3. Note that these should include the updated issues you worked on for this sprint and not be a duplicate of Milestone 2 Project board.]

Completed user stories

[Add video/gif of your current application that shows build progress]

App Demo Video