The MONROE scheduling server, and deployment daemon
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Marvin MONROE - a scheduling daemon

This package includes a relatively generic task scheduling daemon.

It is built to fulfill requirements of the European project MONROE, but should be suitable in other types of distributed network with a central controller.


python install

Copy and adjust the configuration files marvind.conf (on the node) or marvinctld.conf (on the scheduling server).


When started

All state changes are stored in a SQLite database on disk, and will be recovered on restart.

REST endpoints

routes = (
  '/version'          - protocol version number (GET)
  '/resources(|/.*)'   - node, type and status (GET, PUT)
  '/users(|/.*)'       - users (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE)
  '/experiments(|/.*)' - task definitions (GET, POST, DELETE)
  '/schedules(|/.*)'   - scheduled tasks (GET, PUT)
  '/backend(/.*)'     - backend actions (various)


Access levels:

'#' is a placeholder for a node id, task id, user id, iccid or scheduling id

for everyone:

for all authenticated clients:

only for users (role: user)

only for administrators (role: admin)

only for a node with the given id # (role: node)

To update the node status, send the schedules/# PUT request with the following fields:

Valid status codes are:

These status codes are final and cannot be overridden:

All status codes can be suffixed with ; and a reason (free text).

A valid traffic report is a JSON dictionary, and will overwrite the last traffic report for the same scheduling ID. To send a traffic report, provide the keys

The traffic report may contain arbitrary keys and values. It is planned to recognize the following keys for quota reimbursements:

Quota reimbursements are not implemented yet.

Experiment and scheduling parameters:

The following parameters are used to schedule an experiment:

ASAP scheduling: The scheduler selects the next available time slot after now.

LPQ scheduling: Low priority, queued. No time slot is assigned to the task. Instead, whenever the node is sending a heartbeat and has available capacity, this task will be immediately executed. LPQ scheduling will ignore recurrence parameters.

These are defined as scheduling options, interpreted by the scheduling server:

Options that are required to be known during deployment are passed to the node as deployment parameters.

The options parameter should be x-www-form-urlencoded, that is separated by ampersands and in the form key=value, or in the form of a JSON object.

Container parameters:

All options (including user provided keys that are not handled by the scheduler) are passed to the container in the /monroe/config file. Options prefixed with an underscore _ are hidden in the public user interface and API, and only passed to the container.


This is based on client certificates. The server is supposed to be run behind a HTTPS server (e.g. nginx) which will take care of verifying the certificate. That server will then have to set the header HTTP_VERIFIED to NONE or SUCCESS and the header HTTP_SSL_FINGERPRINT to the client certificate fingerprint

example nginx configuration:

proxy_set_header  VERIFIED         $ssl_client_verify;
proxy_set_header  SSL_FINGERPRINT  $ssl_client_fingerprint;

in order to use a web browser-based client, you also need to enable CORS headers, e.g.:

add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "$http_origin" always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type' always;

if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
    add_header 'Content-Length' 0 always;
    return 204;

To create an authority, server or client keys, follow this guide:


An example configuration is provided in ./files/etc/marvinctld.conf

The files follow the YAML ( syntax. The required keys are subject to change, but all keys should be mentioned in the example files.


When started

For every new task assigned:

Task status is reported back to the ctld.


An example configuration is provided in ./files/etc/marvind.conf


On the scheduling server:

On the measurement node:

From anywhere:

POST /user Parameters: name, ssl, role

Creates user 'name' authenticated by the given ssl fingerprint and one of the valid roles (user, node, admin)

POST /experiment Parameters:

REST Return values: