MOZI-AI / annotation-service

The gene annotation service maps human gene symbols to their biological context as represented in an OpenCog Knowledge Hypergraph
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Gene Annotation service

"gene annotation UI screenshot"

Local Setup & Development

  1. Download the datasets from

    Note: The datasets are compressed and you have to extract the files before using them.

  2. Create datasets folder in your home directory and move the extracted datasets to that directory

  3. Create results folder in your home directory and define a RESULT_DIR environment variable that points to the directory. This is where the scheme results will be stored.

    cd $HOME
    mkdir results 
    export RESULT_DIR=$HOME/results
  4. Define the following Environment variables.

    $ export SERVICE_ADDR=localhost
    $ export GRPC_ADDR=http://localhost:3001
    $ export RESULT_ADDR=http://localhost:3002
    $ export DATASET=$HOME/datasets
  5. Clone the Project and checkout to the development branch.

    git clone --recursive

  6. Build & Run the atomspace-rpc server. You can get the instructions on the githup repo here.

    • Make sure you use --host option while starting the server
    • If you use a custom port (other than 50051), make sure to update the port in the ATOM_SERVER env variable in docker-compose-dev.yml
  7. Go the project directory and Start the services

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build
  8. You should be able to access the annotation service UI at
