MPEGGroup / FileFormatConformance

MPEG File Format Conformance Framework
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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add files from m63202: HEIF prdi: Canon #107

Open podborski opened 9 months ago

podborski commented 9 months ago

@DenizUgur I kind of expected the pipeline to fail since the progressive-diagonal_gpac.ext.json is not yet filled out but it seems to pass.

podborski commented 9 months ago

The contribution includes gpac json files that seem to understand the proposed item. I guess we can:

DenizUgur commented 9 months ago

@podborski prdi has been mentioned in the coverage output. It appears that since it's not in MP4RA it's not expected for it to be present in this repository either. If it were to be present in MP4RA it would've been raised as a warning (to be changed to error later on when we complete everything).

The contribution includes gpac json files that seem to understand the proposed item.

GPAC (latest nightly build) does not understand what prdi box is (hence UnknownBox). Even if it seems okay (no version, flags, etc.) the current process is to rely on GPAC to understand what prdi is. When it is implemented, it is safe to delete the .ext.json file (given _gpac file is also regenerated).

It seems that, the contribution have used an unreleased version of GPAC to generate those dumps. So updating the .ext.json files until upstream GPAC implements these would be the best option

DenizUgur commented 9 months ago

However, I agree that if there is an unknown box in these files it should raise an error if it's not in standard features. I'll open up an issue and implement this check tomorrow.

podborski commented 9 months ago

It appears that since it's not in MP4RA it's not expected for it to be present in this repository either. If it were to be present in MP4RA it would've been raised as a warning (to be changed to error later on when we complete everything).

@DenizUgur ah I see.

2023-10-18 22:07:18.427 | INFO | construct.coverage:main:109 - Box prdi is not in standard features or MP4RA

Perhaps we should consider changing this to a warning. The problem is that we still want to be able to progress with adding conformance files even before the amendment is published and we register the code points. And it can happen (as just happened in this case) that we forget to add it to standard features as well.

BTW. It's super nice that the conformance framework reports missing candidates for mp4ra.

cconcolato commented 5 months ago

Reviewers needed.