MPEGGroup / FileFormatConformance

MPEG File Format Conformance Framework
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
10 stars 3 forks source link
conformance heif isobmff mp4 mpeg-4

File Format Conformance Framework



Welcome to the File Format Conformance Framework, a repository dedicated to supporting the conformance resources for specifications developed by the MPEG Systems File Format group. This framework is based on ISO/IEC 14496-32 and contains conformance files for various specifications, such as:

The main goals for the File Format Conformance Framework are:

Conformance files themselves are stored on this GitHub repository using the Git Large File Storage (LFS).

The design of the framework allows for easy extensions to support new specifications and file formats. The addition of new specifications or amendments to the framework is as simple as providing the necessary metadata.


We encourage your contributions! If you identify any issues with the metadata or the functionality of this framework or if you can contribute conformance files, feel free to open an issue or contribute directly to the project on GitHub. Please refer to our for information on the process for submitting new conformance files to this repository (MPEG Members only).


This project operates under the Clear BSD License. For more details, please see our LICENSE file.