MPEGGroup / FileFormatConformance

MPEG File Format Conformance Framework
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Keep a table for each spec, on internal Gitlab, and automate generating snippet files for box syntax #5

Open dwsinger opened 2 years ago

dwsinger commented 2 years ago

If each repo at the MPEG internal Gitlab repo had a markdown or CSV table of the 'current versions' of the spec and amendments, with (linked) MPEG document numbers, and linked also to the ISO project, then

This table shouldn't be public as most of the links would not work

podborski commented 2 years ago
  • an automated script could extract the SDL, check for registration of 4CCs, and push the SDL snippets to the conformance repo

The script could also automatically create a git patch for mp4ra or even open a new PR to mp4ra if some 4CCs are missing, or moved from one spec to another, etc.

dwsinger commented 2 years ago

We already have the scan-for-4CCs script; if we can automate that from the table updates, direct from the .doc or .docx, that would be great