MPIBGC-TEE / bgc_md2

New development version of the biogeochemical model database bgc_md
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 21 forks source link

test_binder_pinned test_binder_free

test_conda_developer_installation test_debian_pip_install test_windows_developer_installation



Please read carefully before you "Copy and paste", since some instructions only make sense for certain platforms.



The package is supposed to assist in the creation of 'reports' in the form of jupyter notebooks. The notebooks will be of the following types.

  1. Investigations of a single model (or modelrun).
  2. Comparisons between models/modelruns.

In the first case the role of the bgc_md package is to guide the user (=author of a particular notebook concerned with a particular model, and simultaniously author of the of that model) by using the computability graph (as represented by bgc_md/resolve/ to either

In the second case the same assistance is required for queries, which are best described by examples.


Green master

We try to keep the master green and develop new features or bug fixes in short lived branches that are then merged back into the master See also

To merge into the master:

The (github) workflows run the testsuites. This is an additional protection against forgotten files or other idiosycracies of your setup, that let the testsuites succeeed locally but brake for other users.

Green Binder

Another important branch is binder. It contains a smaller version of the repository to meet the binder requirements of total size<2GB which is deployed by to allow exploration without installation (the binder button on top). It relies on the smaller binder branch of CompartmentalSystems
(see for the work on the dependencies) and therefore has a .gitmodules file that is permanently different from test and master branches. If you merge something to the binder branch the workflow is similar to merges to the master.

Before you try to merge into binder :