MSLNZ / msl-loadlib

Load a shared library (and access a 32-bit library from 64-bit Python)
MIT License
75 stars 17 forks source link

=========== MSL-LoadLib

|docs| |pypi| |github tests|

This package loads a shared library in Python. It is basically just a thin wrapper around ctypes (for libraries that use the __cdecl or __stdcall calling convention), Python for .NET (for libraries that use Microsoft .NET, CLR), Py4J (for Java .jar or .class files) and comtypes (for libraries that use the Component Object Model_).

However, the primary advantage is that it is possible to communicate with a 32-bit library from 64-bit Python.

MSL-LoadLib is a pure-python package, but, Python for .NET depends on the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) on Windows and Mono Runtime on Linux/macOS, and Py4J depends on having a Java Virtual Machine_ installed.


To install MSL-LoadLib run:

.. code-block:: console

pip install msl-loadlib

Alternatively, using the MSL Package Manager_ run:

.. code-block:: console

msl install loadlib

Optional dependencies:

To set up your environment on Linux, please follow the instructions on the prerequisites <>_ section of the documentation.


If you are loading a 64-bit library in 64-bit Python (or a 32-bit library in 32-bit Python), then you can directly load the library using LoadLibrary.

The following examples load a 64-bit library in a 64-bit Python interpreter. If you are using a 32-bit Python interpreter then replace the 64 with 32 in the filename.

Import the LoadLibrary class and the directory where the example libraries are located

.. invisible-code-block: pycon


.. code-block:: pycon

from msl.loadlib import LoadLibrary from msl.examples.loadlib import EXAMPLES_DIR

If the file extension is not included then a default extension, .dll (Windows), .so (Linux) or .dylib (macOS), is used.

Load a C++ <>_ library and call the add function

.. code-block:: pycon

cpp = LoadLibrary(EXAMPLES_DIR + '/cpp_lib64') cpp.lib.add(1, 2) 3

Load a FORTRAN <>_ library and call the factorial function

.. code-block:: pycon

fortran = LoadLibrary(EXAMPLES_DIR + '/fortran_lib64')

With a FORTRAN library you must pass values by reference using ctypes, and, since the returned value is not of type int we must configure ctypes for a value of type double to be returned

.. code-block:: pycon

from ctypes import byref, c_int, c_double fortran.lib.factorial.restype = c_double fortran.lib.factorial(byref(c_int(37))) 1.3763753091226343e+43

Load Java <>_ byte code and call the cos function

.. code-block:: pycon

java = LoadLibrary(EXAMPLES_DIR + '/Trig.class') java.lib.Trig.cos(1.234) 0.33046510807172985

Python interacts with the Java Virtual Machine_ via a local network socket and therefore the connection needs to be closed when you are done using the Java library

.. code-block:: pycon


Load a .NET <>_ library and call the reverse_string function, we must specify that the library type is a .NET library by passing in the 'net' argument

.. invisible-code-block: pycon


.. code-block:: pycon

net = LoadLibrary(EXAMPLES_DIR + '/dotnet_lib64.dll', 'net') net.lib.StringManipulation().reverse_string('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') 'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba'

.. invisible-code-block: pycon

net.cleanup() # See:

To load a Component Object Model_ (COM) library pass in the library's Program ID. NOTE: This example will only work on Windows.

Here we load the FileSystemObject_ library and include the 'com' argument to indicate that it is a COM library.

.. invisible-code-block: pycon


.. code-block:: pycon

com = LoadLibrary('Scripting.FileSystemObject', 'com')

We then use the library to create, edit and close a text file

.. code-block:: pycon

fp = com.lib.CreateTextFile('a_new_file.txt') fp.WriteLine('This is a test') 0 fp.Close() 0

.. invisible-code-block: pycon

import os os.remove('a_new_file.txt')

Inter-process communication <ipc_>_ is used to access a 32-bit shared library from a module that is running within a 64-bit Python interpreter. The procedure uses a client-server protocol where the client is a subclass of msl.loadlib.Client64 and the server is a subclass of msl.loadlib.Server32. See the tutorials <> for examples on how to implement `inter-process communication <ipc>`_.


The documentation for MSL-LoadLib can be found here <>_.

.. |docs| image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

.. |pypi| image:: :target:

.. |github tests| image:: :target:

.. _ctypes: .. _Python for .NET: .. _Py4J: .. _ipc: .. _Java Virtual Machine: .. _MSL Package Manager: .. _comtypes: .. _Component Object Model: .. _FileSystemObject: