MSTC-DA-IICT / Hacktoberfest24-Library-Management-System-Django

This repository is made for the purpose of Hacktoberfest-2024
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django hacktoberfest hacktoberfest-accepted hacktoberfest2024 python


Welcome to the Library Management System, a Django web application that managing a library’s books, borrowers, authors, and genres. This project participates in Hacktoberest 2024 and all successful PRs made here will be counted among the successful pull requests that you'd need to make in order to be eligible for the Hacktoberfest appreciation.We invite you to join our vibrant community and contribute to making Library Management System even better during Hacktoberfest 2024!

About Library Management System

Library management System facilitates various library operations such as issuing books, returning them, and keeping track of overdue items.


:hammer_and_wrench: Skills

:dart: What you have to do

:desktop_computer: Some resources you can learn from

Download the setup file of an IDE of your choice and install it on your machine. Recommended:

Visual Studio Code (by Microsoft) - LINK
PyCharm (by Jetbrains) - LINK

Download and install the latest version of Python from this LINK.

Don’t forget to check the option which says “Add Python to PATH” in the installation wizard.

Open the folder in your IDE, wherein you want to build the project.

Upgrade pip to the latest version using the command -

py -m pip install --upgrade pip

Set up a virtual environment (venv) by using the command -

py -m venv <name_for_your_virtual_environment>

Activate the venv using the command -

It’s a good practice to develop a project in a venv because it enables you to install all the project-specific packages locally.
Use the command deactivate to deactivate the virtual environment.

Install Django on your machine using the command -

pip install django

If you are using bootstrap with Django , first run the following command

pip install django-bootstrap4

Run the following command in terminal to clone the Repository in your local machine

git clone

Head to the project directory using the command -

cd <name_of_your_project>

Start the local server on your machine by using the command - py runserver

These should be the last two lines displayed in your terminal -
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.

If the above lines show up, you're ready to develop!

File Structure:

Books, Transactions, Members are different apps to fulfill the functionalities . LibraryManagementSystem is the main app which contains and for the project.

Happy Developing! :innocent:

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