MSU-Solar / motor_controller_schip

My STM32-mc sdk project TODO: improve this desc
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Motor Control Development

Build STM32CubeIDE Project Clang Format Diff Check

Welcome to the firmware development repository for the F302R8 STM32 MCU-based motor controller kit. This repository serves as a foundational setup for developing motor control applications, with the eventual goal of transitioning to the STM32 Motor Control SDK (MCSDK) to generate drivers for our custom applications.

Getting Started

For detailed instructions on setting up your environment and development workflow, please refer to the following wiki pages:

  1. How to setup your environment?
    This page covers the prerequisites, tool downloads, and basic setup instructions required before you start development.

  2. How to Develop and Maintain?
    This page outlines the development workflow, including branch management, testing, continuous integration, and best practices for maintaining the repository.


Refer to the How to setup your environment? page for detailed information on the necessary tools and setup instructions.

Contribution Workflow

For guidelines on how to contribute to the project, including issue tracking, pull request guidelines, and code formatting, check out the How to Develop and Maintain? page.

Future Work

We plan to transition towards leveraging the STM32 Motor Control SDK (MCSDK) for generating drivers tailored to our custom applications. This will enhance the scalability and maintainability of our motor control system.