MTACS / Lynx2

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Carplay bugs #383

Open Xth3l33tX opened 3 months ago

Xth3l33tX commented 3 months ago

First of all, thank you for incorporating some of my feature request such as transparent status bar and row customization to the latest updates. In terms of Carplay, Lynx 2 is almost perfect now in my opinion. However, there are some bugs I would like to report:

  1. Maps always in dark mode while Lynx 2 for Carplay is enabled. Please see attached screenshot were Google maps is in dark mode even though set to automatic while rest of interface is in light mode. I tried using Waze with the same result. When I disable Carplay in Lynx 2, the maps change back to automatic/light mode.2.

  2. Icons in status bar become spread apart when enabling Carplay settings in Lynx 2. Not a huge deal, but the icons then overlap with the temperature/weather icons added by Lynx 2.3.

  3. Temperature/weather icon blank in Carplay. This was an old bug in Airaw/Cephei for iOS 14 that seems to have carried over to Lynx 2.

  4. Icons overlapping when customizing number of rows in Carplay. Changing icon size does not remove the problem, please see screenshots. Solution might be to add custom icon spacing? I think this was an option in the old Airaw/Cephei tweak.

Iphone 12 mini, iOS 15.4.1, Dopamine 2


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