MTACS / Lynx2

Place for tracking Lynx 2 issues and feature requests
26 stars 2 forks source link
ios jailbreak objective-c theos tweak

Lynx 2 - Ultimate device customization for iOS 14, 15 & 16


Requires Cephei from Chariz

Available on Havoc




**App User Interface** - Select dark/light apps **Power** - Disable power vibration - Place device screen down to lock **Dock** - Hide completely - Background style (transparent, dark, light) - Use Floating Dock - Disable in App Switcher - Remove divider - Disable App Library icon (iOS 15+) - Disable Recents - Set custom number of recent icons - Disable in specific apps - Hide dock border **Dock Indicators** - Show indicators on running applications - Choose indicator color - Dark - Light - Automatic - Icon Average - Choose indicator style - Circle - Bar **Homescreen** - Tap on background to lock device - Disable rotation - Disable icon editing - Hide 'Done' button - Hide 'Add Widget' button - Always return to first page of icons when opening device **Spotlight** - Set custom pinned apps (also adds 3D Touch option to rearrage/select) - Set number of icons in Spotlight app suggestion rows - Clear search text when closing Spotlight - Disable Spotlight completely - Use iPadOS style floating window **Folders** - Show list of apps contained in 3D Touch menu - Hide background - Hide title - Hide icon background (blur behind icon preview) - Automatically close when opening contained app **3D Touch Menus** - Hide separator lines between options **Table Views** - Show popup with current alphabetical index - Hide separators between cells - Use inset table style **Scroll Bars** - Hide scroll bars globally **Search Bars** - Hide completely - Hide background view **Home Bar** - Disable on Homescreen and in apps - Disable on Lockscreen - Set custom height & width **Navigation Bars** - Always use small title style - Remove separator under bar **Switches** - Set custom enabled color - Set custom knob tint color **Keyboard** - Haptic feedback on key press (light, medium, heavy) - Always show iPad Pro keyboard on all devices (iPad only) - Hide dictation key - Replace dictation key with dismiss keyboard button **Alerts** - Hide separator between alert components **Tab Bars** - Tint badges to application window tint - Hide separator above bar - Hide button labels - Use haptic feedback when tapping button **Icon Pages** - Remove page dots **Screenshots** - Hide screenshot preview - Disable shutter sound **Drag & Drop** - Enable in all applications **Volume** - Set custom number of steps **Flashlight** - Enable timeout & set custom duration **Airplane Mode Alert** - Hide completely - Disable Airplane Mode directly from alert **Wallpaper** - Add overlay blur (dark, light, feather) - Disable Parallax effect **Device Interface** - Enable fluid gestures


**MagSafe** - Enable on all devices **Wallpaper** - Disable switching (iOS 16+) - Add background blur (dark, light, feather) **CarPlay** - Hide splashscreen when connecting **Clock** - Display seconds - Hide clock label - Hide date label - Set clock and date positioning (left, right, center) - Use custom font family - Use custom font size **Control Center** - Hide grabber at top of screen **Charging View** - Disable battery popup when connecting to power **Unlock Text** - Hide 'Swipe up to Unlock' or 'Press Home to Unlock' text - Set custom text - Display label immediately (disable fade animation) **Legal Text** - Show legal text label at bottom of screen & set custom text **Page Dots** - Hide page dots (Home button devices only) **Notifications & Banners** - Show full notification message - Use single swipe gesture to remove (iOS 15+) - Add custom outer shadow - Automatically expand banners when received - Show count of notifications in each section - Hide 'No Older Notifications' label **Face ID** - Hide padlock - Disable unlock hint (appears at top of screen) **Passcode Screen** - Use haptic feedback on passcode number keys - Hide cancel button - Hide Emergency button - Hide backspace button - Hide number key background - Hide 'Enter Passcode' label - Set custom 'Enter Passcode' text **Quick Action Buttons** - Hide both buttons - Hide Flashlight/Torch button - Hide Camera button - Hide button images - Hide button blurred background **Camera** - Disable swipe gesture (keeps button functionality) **Music Player** - Set player style (default, simple) - Hide completely - Hide volume slider - Hide media progress slider - Hide media control buttons - Hide playing application icon - Hide sound output device icon **Spotlight** - Disable swipe gesture **Animations** - Disable fly in zoom animation

App Library

**Gestures** - Open App Library when swiping for Spotlight **Activation** - Disable App Library completely **Style** - Always open to list mode - Reverse category pod order **Categories** - Edit displayed categories (open editor with button in Settings or via 3D Touch menu option on all icons in library) **Pods** - Hide background blur - Hide category name label **Folders** - Hide app labels - Hide folder titles - Hide cloud icon when app is offloaded **Search Bar** - Hide search background - Hide search icon - Disable pull down to open search **Haptic Feedback** - Play feedback when opening or closing App Library

Status Bar

**Hiding** - Disable globally - Hide on Homescreen - Hide on Lockscreen **Coloring** - Set custom tint color (applies to all status items) **Camera & Microphone** - Hide dot when sensor is active **Breadcrumbs** - Remove button to return to previous app **Battery Item** - Hide completely - Hide bolt - Hide exterior percentage label - Show percentage label inside battery icon - Disable charging animation - Tap to toggle Low Power Mode **Status Items** - Hide WiFi icon - Hide cellular signal bars - Hide clock - Hide location arrow - Hide Rotation Lock icon - Hide Do Not Disturb moon icon - Hide Bluetooth icon - Hide Alarm bell - Hide Airplane icon - Hide VPN icon - Hide CarPlay icon - Hide 'Not Charging' label - Hide background activity spinner **Audio Devices** - Show connected device battery level (iOS 14 only) **Lockscreen** - Hide lock icon (Home Button devices only) **Hotspot & Recording** - Remove indicator background color - Disable pulsing animation **WiFi** - Show network strength RSSI **Carrier** - Set custom text - Override data type - Fake cellular service (for devices with not SIM interface) - Override cellular signal strength **Clock** - Display date under time - Set custom date format - Use custom time format **Network Speed Label** - Show network upload and download speed - Set vertical & horizontal offset - Hide on Homescreen - Select apps to disable speed label in

App Switcher

**Style** - Set switcher style (paged or grid, applies instantly) **App Suggestions** - Remove suggestion banner **App Closing** - 3D Touch to clear all - Swipe to clear all - Confirmation before terminating all running apps - Select locked apps to always keep running **Now Playing Application** - Ignore killing of application currently playing media **App Cards** - Hide icon - Hide name label


**Today Page** - Hide edit button - Disable on Lockscreen - Disable on Homescreen - Disable swipe to search gesture **Widget Elements** - Hide labels on Homescreen widgets - Hide scroll dots to side of widgets - Add outer shadow, and set shadow radius **Batteries Widget** - Double tap to toggle Low Power Mode - Tap on device to show current percentage - Hide empty rings - Hide separator lines (4x4 widget only) **Siri Widget** - Hide separator lines (4x4 widget only)


**3D Touch Items** - Hide 'Remove Stack' - Hide 'Edit Widget' - Hide 'Edit Stack' - Hide 'Edit Homescreen' - Hide 'Share App' - Hide 'Delete App' - Hide 'Pause Download' - Hide 'Cancel Download' - Hide 'Prioritize Download' - Hide separators - Hide action images - Add 'Clear Badges' option - Add 'Rename App' option - Add 'Lock/Unlock' option (for devices with biometric authentication enabled only) - Show app storage size - Hide blurred menu background **Icon Labels** - Hide on Homescreen - Hide in App Library - Hide in Folders - Set custom label color - Set custom label font **Icon Scaling** - Set custom scale on Homescreen, Dock & App Library **Accessory Dots** - Hide updated app dot - Hide beta app dot **Badges** - Use average color of app icon - Hide badges completely - Hide badge text **Homescreen Layout** - Set custom number of Homescreen rows & columns - Set custom number of Folder rows & columns - Set custom number of Dock icons (does not work with Floating Dock) **Transparency** - Set custom alpha value of all icons **Downloads** - Display current percentage **App Hiding** - Choose apps to be hidden globally **Animations** - Disable second hand sweep animation - Disable app editing icon jitter animation

Control Center

**Activation** - Disable Control Center completely **Connectivity Module** - Disable WiFi & Bluetooth completely when tapped - Choose color of enabled toggles - Set number of columns - Set number of rows **Status Bar** - Hide Status Bar - Hide sensor indicators (camera, microphone, location) **Modules** - Use rounded module shape - Add shadow to perimeter of module - Hide background of enabled toggle modules - Choose style of module background view - Default - Light - Lighter **Sliders** - Add percentage labels to volume and brightness sliders **Background** - Choose style of control center background view - Default - Dark - Light **Chevron** - Hide arrow at top of control center **Hide Hints** - Remove text when toggling modules


**Apple ID Cell** - Set custom first & last name - Use modern account (removes all labels and only shows profile picture) **Icons** - Hide cell icons - Use rounded icons **Chevrons** - Hide arrow indicator on detail cells **Sections** - Hide follow up items (storage, backup, updates) - Hide 3rd party app section - Hide COVID-19 Exposure notification cell - Hide family cell (only shown when enrolled in family plan) **Network** - Show WiFi IP address - Show ethernet section - Display cellular data used **VPN** - Hide VPN toggle **Search Bars** - Hide search bar on main page of Settings **Background** - Enable translucent effect in all Settings pages


**Up Next** - Hide queue popup **Recently Added** - Show all songs (removes limit of recent items to display) **Layout** - Use 3 column layout


**Icons** - Hide labels - Hide label background - Use custom icon layout **Status Bar** - Show battery even on wired connections - Display current outdoor temperature - Choose screen edge to display status bar **Wallpaper** - Choose custom wallpaper


**Updates** - Replace arcade button with link to app updates


**Styling** - Use iPad style (transparent bars, moves media type selector to edge of screen) **Recent Photos** - Hide last taken photo preview **Shutter Sound** - Disable sound when tapping shutter button **Gestures** - Double tap view finder to switch between front and back cameras


**Dialer Buttons** - Hide button background **Recent Calls** - Show exact time when call was placed or received - Hide calls made via 3rd party applications **Tab Bar** - Select which buttons to be displayed **Call Button** - Hide background - Set custom background color


**Tool Bar** - Automatically collapse keyboard toolbar **Security** - Hide note detail text in main list **Tint Color** - Set custom application tint color


**Albums** - Lock hidden album with biometrics **Media Deletion** - Skip confirmation when moving item to trash - Delete photos & videos permanently and skip trash **Photo Previews** - Remove zoom limit - Hide preview slider at bottom of screen **Videos** - Automatically loop videos


**Address Bar** - Remove background view (only works in dark mode on iOS 15+) **Background Playback** - Continue WebKit media playback in background


**Pinned Conversations** - Hide glow behind contact images - Hide preview of last received message **Conversations** - Hide separators between cells **Message Sending** - Always display send progress bar - Add a customizable delay before sending messages (allows for cancelling sending of messages)




- Fixed spacing on Lockscreen when hiding Do Not Disturb indicator on iOS 16 (Thanks Nightwind & Luki)
- Fixed some preferences not being set on rootless jailbreaks


- Added option to replace dictation key with dismiss keyboard
- Added option to display cellular data used in Settings
- Added option to show network download & upload speed in StatusBar
- Added option to choose Control Center background blur style



- Fixed missing ability to set custom icon label color
- Fixed Lockscreen date view using wrong date formatter when displaying seconds
- Fixed Status Bar displaying improperly on certain notched iPhones
- Fixed Homescreen page dots not hiding properly


- Added option to disable parallax effect on Homescreen wallpaper
- Added option to hide CarPlay icon labels
- Added option to hide CarPlay icon label backgrounds
- Added option to use custom number of icon columns in CarPlay
- Added option to always show battery icon in CarPlay, even if device is connected via USB
- Added option to show current temperature in CarPlay Status Bar
- Added option to choose which edge of screen to display CarPlay Status Bar
- Added option to set custom wallpaper in CarPlay
- Increased sensitivity of swipe gesture to kill all apps in App Switcher
- Added option to bypass 'Recently Deleted' album & remove media items in Photos permanently
- Added option to enable FluidUI gestures on devices with Home Button (Thanks ETHN)
- Changed badge coloring logic on folder icons to use the average color of the first icon with notifications



- Fixed Lockscreen clock alignment in landscape mode
- Fixed 'Replace Spotlight' not working on rootless iOS 15 jailbreaks
- Fixed 'Remove App Library' not working on iOS 15 jailbreaks
- Fixed 'Lock Hidden Album' feature in Photos not working


- Increased the maximum & minimum possible values for notification lists offset
- Added option to enable notched style status bar



- Fixed issue causing a respring loop on rootless jailbreaks when using a custom homescreen layout


- No new changes, all requests since release of version 2.4.1 will be included in a future update



- Fixed tweak preferences not being loaded into sandboxed apps on rootless jailbreaks
- Fixed alert when closing all apps in switcher on iPadOS not following device orientation
- Fixed hiding Lockscreen quick action button background not working
- Fixed Control Center connectivity changes label not being hidden
- Fixed section icons in Lynx's preference page not being colored correctly
- Fixed cells in Settings causing visual glitches when changed
- Fixed tab bar button images layout positioning on non notched devices
- Fixed 'Hide Action Images' not working on Homescreen 3D Touch actions
- Fixed SpringBoard volume slider potentially showing control center slider percentage
- Fixed Lockscreen clock always displaying 12 hour format when displaying seconds even if device was set to 24 hour format
- Fixed Control Center slider percentages not appearing in expanded mode
- Fixed Lockscreen date positioning overriding value set with Nexus tweak by @iCrazeiOS
- Fixed apps not being terminated when swiping down to kill all
- Fixed audio routing button not hiding
- Fixed badges not being colored properly when using average icon color
- Fixed coloring in About section of settings when using light interface mode
- Fixed 'Face Down to Lock' not working on iOS 15+
- Fixed hidden cells in Settings not updating when changing value
- Fixed stepper cells crashing Settings app when changing value
- Fixed Spotlight layout breaking on iPadOS due to the default of 4 icons per row on iPhone


- Added ability to import or export settings data in About section
- Added blur to applications in App Switcher that are locked via 3D Touch menu
- Added option to always use expanded media player on Lockscreen (iOS 16 only)
- Added option to skip navigation apps when killing all apps in App Switcher
- Added option to set custom page scaling in App Switcher
- Added option to set custom spacing between pages when using grid layout in App Switcher
- Added option to disable swipe to last app gesture on devices with Home Bar
- Removed option to press to kill apps in switcher as method was not reliable
- Added option to make 'Hide DND Banner' affect iOS 15+'s DND Focus indicator
- Added option to show indicator on running apps in Dock with options for shape and color
- Removed option to display cellular signal as RSSI until better method is implemented