MTACS / Lynx2

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edit categories doesnt do anything #384

Open pokedric1 opened 3 months ago

pokedric1 commented 3 months ago

Please fill out all fields with as much detail as possible

Describe the bug: attemping the edit categories in 3d touch gets this menu: (see first picture) but nothing can be clicked attempting the edit categories in settings just blurs the background and does nothing Process To Reproduce: try to edit categories in both ways Screenshots: 81B5CC1F-C425-4E32-865A-9490DE2FB3AB ^ 3d touch C5633FCC-BE53-4C4F-9155-DBEDA1299CB4 ^ settings Platform (please complete the following information):

MTACS commented 3 months ago

It should work in portrait mode, it's a bug with the switches being out of view due to constraints. The next update will fix this issue