MTACS / Lynx2

Place for tracking Lynx 2 issues and feature requests
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Notifications iOS 16 #395

Open Kuti10ve opened 3 months ago

Kuti10ve commented 3 months ago

Good afternoon, is it possible to add a setting on iOS 15 to have a notification like in ios [16] 25933208-8E7B-4ACD-BAC8-A4A0753EB79E

Feature Request

Please make sure the request is possible and related to the existing theme of Lynx features. In addition, please check the current list of requested features to make sure there are no duplicates

Kuti10ve commented 3 months ago

Good afternoon, will there be an answer?

MTACS commented 3 months ago

Been sick for a while and haven't had much time to look over bugs and feature requests. I'll see what I can do, iOS 16 uses from what I can tell a completely different way of laying stuff out so it may take a little while to replicate. No guarantees it will be an exact replica but I will see what I can accomplish

Kuti10ve commented 2 months ago

Been sick for a while and haven't had much time to look over bugs and feature requests. I'll see what I can do, iOS 16 uses from what I can tell a completely different way of laying stuff out so it may take a little while to replicate. No guarantees it will be an exact replica but I will see what I can accomplish

Thank you very much for the answer! I hope you're feeling well now. But if it doesn't work out to get real in lynx, maybe it will turn out to be a separate tweak, I would buy it