MTACS / Lynx2

Place for tracking Lynx 2 issues and feature requests
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Dynamic widget resizing/per page layout #406

Open eermminn opened 6 months ago

eermminn commented 6 months ago

Feature Request

While attempting to replace multiple tweaks as Lynx is already equipped with such variety of features, I couldn’t get to mimic my Atria layout in Lynx. Main reason being having the big (4x4) widget on two separate pages, and as the widgets don't resize with the layout I just couldn’t get them to align with non widget pages, at least vertically wise. Either dynamical resizing of widgets with the layout itself or different “per page” layout settings could probably solve it. ezgif-4-f7c941a9f1

Another - minor wish would be having a background or frame behind the icons which would scroll with the pages, also something I love in Atria.
