MTBorg / M7011E_lab

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M7011E - Project

This project consisting of the labs in the course M7011E - Design of Dynamic Web Systems at LTU.

Group Tenta Noobs

Installation guide

Bellow follows information on how to get the system up and running on your local machine.


Quick setup

To quickly deploy and test the system in dev environment locally clone the project and create the following (empty) files:

Then simply docker-compose up --build to start the system. By default the website is available at http://localhost:3000.

In order to run the simulator tests either run npm test in the docker container or install npm and dependencies locally by running

npm install && npm install --only-dev

from the simulator folder and then

npm test

Custom setup

If you want to change hostname, ports etc. the following files has to be created and filled out.


Place a file in the simulator directory called sim.env and fill out as below

DB_HOST=<database host address>
DB_USER=<database user>
DB_PORT=<database port>
DB_PASSWORD=<database password>
DB_DATABASE=<database name>

SECRET=<secret key used for authentication>
MANAGER_PASSWORD=<password needed when registering as a manager>


Place a file in the app directory called app.env and fill out as below

API_ADDRESS=<graphql-api address (including port)>
API_REST_ADDRESS=<rest-api address (including port)>

SERVER_PORT<port on which to run the app server>

SECRET=<secret key used for authentication (has to be the same as for Simulator/API)>


Place a file in the db directory called db.env and fill out as below

DB_USER=<database user (has to be same as Simulator/API)>
DB_DATABASE=<database name>


The production environment can be started with

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up --build

Note: In order to run the production environment the environment variables in under custom setup have to be set and properly configure

Authorization token

Through out the system authentication is performed by using json webtokens. The token is passed in the headers of the requests and is stored in a cookie on the client, and contains two fields: accountId(identifies the account associated with a user) and manager (boolean that indicates whether or not the user is a manager). The name of the header is authToken and can be retrieved as the result from login or registration mutations in the GraphQL-API.