MTG / miredu

A C++ Vamp plugin implementing basic audio descriptors for educational purposes
GNU General Public License v3.0
49 stars 11 forks source link


MIR.EDU is an open source vamp plug-in library written in C++ which implements a basic set of descriptors useful for teaching MIR. The idea is to provide a simple library with clear and well documented code for learning about audio descriptors (RMS, log attack-time, spectral flux, etc.).


MIR.EDU is not:


MIR.EDU is written and maintained by:
Justin Salamon


MIR.EDU is supported by:


Currently only instructions for building under OSX and Linux are available. Windows instructions will be added in the future.

OSX & Linux:

  1. First you need to download and build the Vamp plugin SDK, by following the steps below (based on

    1.1. Download the Vamp plugin SDK from the "development headers and source code" link on the developer page at -- the file you want is vamp-plugin-sdk-N.tar.gz where N is the latest version number of the SDK. Save it into your home directory, open a terminal window, and unpack it. We'll also rename its directory to vamp-plugin-sdk for easier reference later on.

    mac:dev justin$ ls vamp*
    mac:dev justin$ tar xvzf vamp-plugin-sdk-2.2.tar.gz
    ... lots of output ...
    mac:dev justin$ mv vamp-plugin-sdk-2.2 vamp-plugin-sdk
    mac:dev justin$

    1.2. At this point you really ought to read the README file in the SDK directory, and the README.osx (or README.linux) file in the SDK's build subdirectory. Here we'll skip that and plunge in and build the SDK directly.


    mac:dev justin$ cd vamp-plugin-sdk
    mac:vamp-plugin-sdk justin$
    mac:vamp-plugin-sdk justin$ make -f build/Makefile.osx sdk
    ... lots of output ...
    mac:vamp-plugin-sdk justin$


    linux:dev justin$ cd vamp-plugin-sdk
    linux:vamp-plugin-sdk justin$
    linux:vamp-plugin-sdk justin$ ./configure
    linux:vamp-plugin-sdk justin$ make
    ... lots of output ...
    linux:vamp-plugin-sdk justin$
  2. Then, from the same folder where you placed the Vamp SDK (i.e. if the SDK is at ~/Documents/dev/vamp-plugin-sdk, you should start at ~/Documents/dev/) follow the instructions below:

    2.1. Clone the MIR.EDU repository using git:

    mac:dev justin$ git clone  

    2.2. Enter the miredu folder:

    mac:dev justin$ cd miredu
    mac:miredu justin$ 

    2.3. Rename 'Makefile.osx' or 'Makefile.linux' to 'Make' and build the library:

    mac:miredu justin$ mv Makefile.osx Makefile
    mac:miredu justin$ make



If you built the library yourself:

  1. Copy the compiled library (mir-edu.dylib) and metadata files ( and mir-edu.n3) to your 'Vamp' plug-ins folder (you may have to create the Vamp folder is it doesn't exist yet):

    mac:dev justin$ mkdir /Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Vamp
    mac:dev justin$ cd miredu
    mac:miredu justin$
    mac:miredu justin$ cp mir-edu.dylib mir-edu.n3 /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp/

If you're using the pre-compiled library:

  1. Copy the pre-compiled library (builds/osx/mir-edu.dylib) and metadata files ( and mir-edu.n3) to your 'Vamp' plug-ins folder (you may have to create the Vamp folder is it doesn't exist yet):

    mac:dev justin$ mkdir /Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Vamp
    mac:dev justin$ cd miredu  
    mac:miredu justin$
    mac:miredu justin$ cp builds/osx/mir-edu.dylib mir-edu.n3 /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp/


If you built the library yourself:

  1. Copy the compiled library ( and metadata files ( and mir-edu.n3) to your 'vamp' plug-ins folder (you may have to create the vamp folder is it doesn't exist yet):

    linux:dev justin$ mkdir ~/vamp
    linux:dev justin$ cd miredu
    linux:miredu justin$ 
    linux:miredu justin$ cp mir-edu.n3 ~/vamp/

If you're using the pre-compiled library:

  1. Copy the pre-compiled library (builds/osx/mir-edu.dylib) and metadata files ( and mir-edu.n3) to your 'Vamp' plug-ins folder (you may have to create the Vamp folder is it doesn't exist yet):

    linux:dev justin$ mkdir ~/vamp
    linux:dev justin$ cd miredu  
    linux:miredu justin$
    linux:miredu justin$ cp builds/linux64/ mir-edu.n3 ~/vamp/


If you're using the pre-compiled library:

  1. Copy the pre-compiled library (miredu\builds\windows\mir-edu.dll) and metadata files ( and mir-edu.n3) to your 'Vamp Plugins' folder (you may have to create the Vamp Plugins folder is it doesn't exist yet):


A vamp plug-in library for teaching MIR. Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Justin Salamon.

MIR.EDU is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or at your option) any later version.

MIR.EDU is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see