MaSch0212 / minigolf-friday

MIT License
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Run in Docker

The docker container is available in Docker Hub as masch0212/minigolf-friday:latest.


This exaple hosts the application on port 8080 and uses the /path/to/your/data directory to store the data.

docker run -d \
    -e IDS__SEED=<RandomSeed> \
    -e AUTHENTICATION__JWT__SECRET=<RandomSecret> \
    -e WEBPUSH__SUBJECT=mailto:<YourEmail> \
    -e WEBPUSH__PUBLICKEY=<VapidPublicKey> \
    -e WEBPUSH__PRIVATEKEY=<VapidPrivateKey> \
    -e ADMIN__LOGINTOKEN=<AdminPassword> \
    -v /path/to/your/data:/app/data \
    -p 8080:80 \

Environment Variables

Variable Description Required Default
IDS__SEED The seed for the id obfuscation. Yes -
AUTHENTICATION__JWT__SECRET The secret for the JWT token. Yes -
WEBPUSH__SUBJECT The VAPID subject for sending push notifications. Should be mailto:<YoutEmail>. Yes -
WEBPUSH__PUBLICKEY The VAPID public key for sending push notifications. *1 Yes -
WEBPUSH__PRIVATEKEY The VAPID private key for sending push notifications. *1 Yes -
ADMIN__LOGINTOKEN The password for the admin user. No admin
AUTHENTICATION__JWT__ISSUER The issuer for the JWT token. No /api/auth/token
AUTHENTICATION__JWT__AUDIENCE The audience for the JWT token. No MinigolfFridayAudience
AUTHENTICATION__JWT__EXPIRATION The expiration time for the JWT token. No 00:15:00
LOGGING__LOGLEVEL__DEFAULT The default log level. No Information
LOGGING__LOGLEVEL__MICROSOFT.ASPNETCORE The log level for the ASP.NET Core specific logs. No Warning
LOGGING__ENABLEDBLOGGING Enable database logging. No false
DATABASE__PROVIDER The database provider. Possible values: Sqlite, MsSql, PostgreSql No Sqlite
DATABASE__SQLITECONNECTIONSTRING The connection string for the SQLite database. No Data Source=data/MinigolfFriday.db
DATABASE__MSSQLCONNECTIONSTRING The connection string for the MS SQL database. No -
DATABASE__POSTGRESQLCONNECTIONSTRING The connection string for the PostgreSQL database. No -

*1: The VAPID keys can be generated by running npx web-push generate-vapid-keys int the terminal.




  1. Create VAPID keys for the push notifications (run all command in the root directory).
    • Run npx web-push generate-vapid-keys
    • Run dotnet user-secrets set WebPush:Subject mailto:<YourEmail> -p src/server/host
    • Run dotnet user-secrets set WebPush:PublicKey <PublicKey> -p src/server/host
    • Run dotnet user-secrets set WebPush:PrivateKey <PrivateKey> -p src/server/host
  2. Run pnpm install in the root directory to install all dependencies.
  3. Run dotnet dev-certs https --trust to trust the development certificate.


  1. Run dotnet watch run in the src/server/host directory to start the server.
  2. Run pnpm run start in the src/client directory to start the client.


  1. Run the 🚀 Start task in Visual Studio Code.

Now you can visit https://localhost:5001 in your browser. The swagger UI is available at https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html.

With Service Worker

If you want to test the service worker locally, follow these steps:

  1. Run dotnet watch run in the src/server/host directory to start the server.
  2. Run pnpm run build in the src/client directory to build the client.
  3. Run pnpm run start:sw in the src/client directory to start the client with the service worker.


  1. Run the 🚀 Start Server (watch) task in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Run the 🚀 Start Client (with Service Worker) task in Visual Studio Code.
    • If you change the client, you need to rerun this task.


  1. Run pnpm build in the root directory to build the server, client and docker container.
  2. The image masch0212/minigolf-friday:latest is now available in your local docker registry.