See the Data2Services documentation to run d2s-sparql-operations as part of workflows to generate RDF knowledge graph from structured data.
AutoR2RML automatically generates R2RML mapping files for the following inputs:
The RDBMS metadata are retrieved using JDBC to build the mapping file. The text file contents are queries through JDBC using Apache Drill. It uses the first row of each file as header, so make sure the first row of your file is the columns label. The mapping file should work out of the box and represent generic rdf representations with a unique id representing the filepath and row-number within the file.
Please note that for Apache Drill empty string values are treated as NULL and every cell value are trimmed.
docker build -t autor2rml .
AutoR2RML will generate files to help you map your relational databases, CSV, TSV to a RDF target data model:
file (at the location provided using -o
) to generate generic RDF based on the data structuretemplate SPARQL query
file for each file/table mapped, to help the user start to write the SPARQL mappings required to transform the generic RDF generated to the target data model. e.g. pharmgkb_drugs.tsv.rq
by default)--column-header
to provide column labels if the first row is data.# Mappings to System.out
docker run -it --rm --link drill:drill autor2rml -j "jdbc:drill:drillbit=drill:31010" -d /data/pharmgkb_drugs -r
# Mappings to a file
docker run -it --rm --link drill:drill -v /data:/data autor2rml -j "jdbc:drill:drillbit=drill:31010" -o /data/pharmgkb_drugs/mapping.trig -r -d /data/pharmgkb_drugs -b -g
# Provide column header (labels)
docker run -it --rm --link drill:drill -v /data:/data autor2rml -j "jdbc:drill:drillbit=drill:31010" -o /data/pharmgkb_drugs/mapping.trig -r -d /data/pharmgkb_drugs --column-header id,name,genericNames,col4
## Postgres (run docker)
# Run and load Postgres DB
docker run --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pwd -d -v /data/autor2rml/:/data postgres
docker exec -it postgres bash
su postgres
psql drugcentral < /data/drugcentral.dump.08262018.sql
# Run autor2rml on DB
docker run -it --rm --link postgres:postgres -v /data:/data autor2rml -j "jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/drugcentral" -u postgres -p pwd -o /data/autor2rml/mapping.trig
## SQLite
docker run -it --rm -v /data:/data autor2rml -j "jdbc:sqlite:/data/sqlite/chinook.db" -o /data/sqlite/mapping.trig
# For Apache Drill
# For Postgres
# For SQLite
docker run --rm -it autor2rml --help
To test AutoR2RML in your favorite IDE.
# Main class
# Program arguments for Drill
-j "jdbc:drill:drillbit=localhost:31010" -o /data/pharmgkb_drugs/mapping.trig -d /data/pharmgkb_drugs -r