MaciejBesaraba / wsei-InvoiceManagmentStudio

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Compilation prerequisite

Requires PostgreSQL database:

Database configuration in file: App.config.


IVMS was created as a term project at university Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Informatyki w Krakowie as a subject of Programming in C# labs.


Short Description

Invoice Management Studio is a simple desktop application created to manage invoices. Provides simple CRUD operations on its resources and local persistance in database.

Technologies used

We aimed to use as few frameworks and libraries as possible to grasp as mutch of vanilla C# as possible.

Application architecture

To keep our code clean and well organized we spend quite a lot of time designing application architecture.

We used Hexagonal architecture to separate different layers of logic.

Application architecutre diagram


An application root and definition, provides:

By using this approach we can simplify project structure in a way that Service layer does not know about existence of Repository layer. It only knows of abstract interface provided by Core. Thanks to that if we ever decide to replace repository managing postgresql database, and use xml files instead we do not have to change any of Service layer logic, as it only uses abstractions provided in Core.


It is a layer responsible for management and communication with PostgreSQL database.

  1. Entity objects

    • provide definition of application resources mapped to simple type representing data stored in database row,
    • any relations to another objects are mapped into their id,
    • enum values are mapped into strings,
    • FromDomain creates entity representing a database row from a domain object.
    • ToDomain a method that supplied with object relations can create a domain obejct out of entity.
  2. RowMapper

    • Classes responsible of translating database query result set into an entity object.
  3. Command

    • Responsible of managing and executing query upon a database connection.
  4. Repository

    • Layer communication access point. Provides methods on resources and delegates tasks to database.

ERD database diagram


It is a layer concluding application business logic. Gives access to resources, and delegates user action results to specific logic engines.


And application context and dependency provider. Presumably an IoC container with Dependency Injection factory. Depends on time we will be able to dedicate into project.


Manages and binds application domain objects with Desktop application view.


Provides graphical desktop interface to user.
